The value range of the function y = radical 3sinx + cosx + 1 is

The value range of the function y = radical 3sinx + cosx + 1 is

The range is [- 1,3]

The value range of the function f (x) = - root sign 3sinx + cosx (x belongs to - pi / 2, PI / 2) is Specifically, the value range of the function f (x) = - radical 3 * SiNx + cosx (x belongs to [- π / 2, π / 2]) is How did the step f (x) = - √ 3sinx + cosx = - 2 [sinxcos π / 6-cosxsin π / 6] come into being? -2 [sinxcos π / 6-cosxsin π / 6] is SiNx / 3

That is - √ 3 ≤ f (x) ≤ 2
The value range is [√] 2

The function f (x) = cosx radical 3sinx, X belongs to the range of [- 3.14/6,3.14/3]______

F (x) = cosx radical 3sinx
The value range of function f (x) is [√ 3, - 1]

What is the value range of the function y = 3sinx + radical 3 * cosx (- π / 2 "X" π / 2)?


Let f (x) = 2 Molecular root 2cos (2x + 4 molecule PI) + SiNx ^ 2, and find the minimum positive period

f(x)=√2/2*(√2/2cos2x-√2/2sin2x)+(1-cos2x)/2=1-1/2*sin(2x) ,
Therefore, the minimum positive period is 2 π / 2 = π

Let z = siny + F (SiNx + siny), where f is a differentiable function. It is proved that (partial Z / partial x) secx + (partial Z / partial y) SecY = 1

Are you sure the title is OK?
It's z = siny + F (SiNx siny)
If so, the proof is as follows
(D is understood as "partial"
(dz/dx)secx+(dz/dy)secy= f'(sinx-siny)+1+f'(sinx-siny)*(-1)
If your topic is correct, I can't do it because of my limited ability

Let z = SiNx + F (siny SiNx), where f is a differentiable function, it is proved that: (partial Z / partial x) cosy + (partial Z / partial y) cosx = cosxcosy The answer is second, mainly the process,


It is known that the minimum positive period of the function f (x) = sin (PI Wx) coswx + cos ^ 2wx (W > 0) is pi. (1) find the value of W (2) find the points on the image of the function y = f (x) When the abscissa is shortened to 1 / 2 of the original value and the ordinate remains unchanged, the image of the function y = g (x) is obtained, and the minimum value of the function g (x) in the interval [0, PI / 16] is obtained

=Root 2 / 2 * sin (2wx + pi / 4) + 1 / 2
F (x) = root 2 / 2 * sin (2x + pi / 4)
G (x) = root 2 / 2 * sin (4x + pi / 4)
The minimum value is: root 2 / 2 * sin11pi / 12 = (root 3-1) / 4

The maximum value of the function f (x) = sin ^ 2 (x + pi / 12) + cos ^ 2 (x-pi / 12)

f(x)=sin²(x+π/12)+cos²(x-π/12)=1-cos²(x+π/12)+cos²(x-π/12)=1+[cos(x-π/12)+cos(x+π/12)][cos(x-π/12)-cos(x+π/12)]=1+(cosx cosπ/12 + sinx sinπ/12 + cosx cosπ/12 -sinx sinπ...

The value range of the function y = sin (x + π / 3) - SiNx (x ∈ (0, π / 2)) is a.-2,2 b,-1/2,√3/2 c.1/2,1 d.1/2,√3/2

Then x + π / 6 ∈ (π / 6,2 π / 3)
Therefore, the value range of the original formula is (- 1 / 2, √ 3 / 2), and B is selected