2x-3 / X when x is taken, the fraction is meaningless

2x-3 / X when x is taken, the fraction is meaningless

When the denominator is 0, the score is meaningless
That is: when x is 3 / 2, the denominator is meaningless!

When x takes what value, the fraction [x ^ 2-9] / [(x + 2) (2-3)] 1. Meaningful 2. Meaningless 3. The value is zero

When the denominator (x + 2) (2 -- 3) is not equal to 0, i.e., X is not equal to - 2, it is meaningful
2. When the denominator (x + 2) (2 -- 3) is equal to 0, that is, when x is equal to - 2, it is meaningless
3. When the denominator (x + 2) (2 -- 3) is not equal to 0 and the numerator (x ^ 2 -- 9) is equal to 0, that is, when x is equal to plus or minus 3, the value is zero

The following fraction makes sense when x is taken as (1) the quadratic power of X + 2x + 3 / 2-x (2) 1 + 1 / X thank you


When x is taken, the following fraction is meaningless? (1) x + 2x (2) x squared - 1 (3) x squared + 2x X

∵ (1) x + 2x of 1 is meaningless
When x = - 1, 2x of X + 1 is meaningless
(2) ∵ the square of X-1 / 4 is meaningless
The square of x-4 = 0
When x = ± 2, the square of X-1 / 4 is meaningless
(3) ∵ the square of X + 2x parts x is meaningless
The square of X + 2x = 0
ν x = 0 or x = - 2
When x = 0 or x = - 2, the square of X + 2xth of X is meaningless

Make fraction 2x + 1 The value of 2x − 1 meaningless x is______ .

∵ fraction 2x + 1
2x − 1 is meaningless,
So the answer is: 1

When x is taken, the following fractions are meaningless? (1) 2x-3 parts x (2) 5x + 10 parts X-1 online, etc., speed and high quality

(1) 2x-3 parts x x = 3 / 2
(2) 5x + 10thx-1 x = - 2
Zero denominator is meaningless

2. What is the value of X, the following fraction is meaningless? (1) 2x-3 parts x (2) 5x + 10 parts X-1

(1) 2x-3 / X
(2) 5x + 10thx-1

In order to make 2x of fraction x-3 meaningful, the condition that x must satisfy is

Denominator x-3 ≠ 0
So x ≠ 3

The least common denominator ()

The square of fraction 2x is X-1, 3x is 4, 4x is the simplest common denominator (12x 3)

Fraction x square - 4Y square / x square + 4x + 4 times x + 2 / 3x square + 6xy
