Given that the triangles a, B, C satisfy the equation a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 + C ^ 2-ab-bc-ac = 0, try to judge the shape of △ ABC There should be an analysis process

Given that the triangles a, B, C satisfy the equation a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 + C ^ 2-ab-bc-ac = 0, try to judge the shape of △ ABC There should be an analysis process

Left = [(a ^ 2 + B ^ 2-2ab) + (a ^ 2 + C ^ 2-2ac) + (b ^ 2 + C ^ 2-2bc)] / 2
Therefore, there must be: A-B = 0, a-c = 0, B-C = 0, that is, a = b = C, so △ ABC is an equilateral triangle

Given that the three sides ABC of a triangle satisfy the equation a to the cubic power + the cubic power of B + the cubic power of C = 3ABC, please determine the shape of the triangle Writing process

Equilateral triangle
a. B and C cannot be equal to 0,
A ^ 2 = BC

Three sides a, B, C of triangle ABC satisfy the equation a square + C square-2ab-2bc + 2B square = 0, judge the shape of triangle ABC

Equilateral triangle

Given that the three sides a, B, C of the triangle ABC satisfy the equation A's square + C's Square - 2ab-2bc + 2B's Square = 0, try to judge the shape of triangle ABC

The square of a + the square of c-2ab-2bc + 2B = 0
Triangle ABC is an equilateral triangle

It is known that a, B, C are the three sides of △ ABC and satisfy the relation A2 + C2 = 2Ab + 2bc-2b2. It is shown that △ ABC is an equilateral triangle

∵ the original formula can be changed into A2 + c2-2ab-2bc + 2B2 = 0,
That is (a-b) 2 + (B-C) 2 = 0,
ν A-B = 0 and B-C = 0, that is, a = B and B = C,
So △ ABC is an equilateral triangle

We know that in the triangle ABC, the length of three sides a, B, C satisfies the equation a square-16b square-c square + 6ab + 10bc = 0, and prove that a + C = 2B

A square-16b square-c square + 6ab + 10bc = 0
=>A + 3B = c-5b or a + 3B = 5b-c
=>C = a + 8b > A + B according to the relationship between the three sides of a triangle, it is impossible, so this relationship does not hold
So only a + 3B = 5b-c holds

In the triangle ABC, we know that the triangle three sides a, B, C satisfy the equation (C ^ 2 / (a + b)) + (a ^ 2 / (B + C)) = B, and find the value of angle B How to solve the problem, what are the steps?

(C ^ 2 / (a + b)) + (a ^ 2 / (B + C)) = B, the denominator is removed to obtain the following results: C? (B + C) + a? (a + b) = B (a + b) (B + C) expansion: C? B + C ^ 3 + A ^ 3 + a? B = AB? + ABC + B ^ 3 + B

Given that a, B, C are the three sides of a triangle, a = 2n ^ 2 + 2n, B = 2n + 1, C = 2n ^ 2 + 2n + 1 (n is a natural number greater than 1), try to explain that △ ABC is a right triangle

Such a triangle is a right triangle

Given that the three sides of the triangle ABC a, B, C satisfy the equations {2a-b = C, A-B + C = 6, a + B-C = 2}, try to explain that the triangle ABC is a right triangle

It is known that 2a-b = C ①, A-B + C = 6 ②, a + B-C = 2 ③,
② Add 3 to get 2A = 8, so a = 4,
① Add 3a-c of ③ = 2 + C, and substitute a = 4 to get C = 5,
So B = 3, because 3 ^ 2 + 4 ^ 2 = 5 ^ 2, the triangle ABC is a right triangle

In the known triangle ABC, the proportions of angles a, B and C are as follows A ,2;3;4 B,1;2;3 C,4;3;5 D,1;2;2