(3a / x + y) & #179; / (Y-X / y + x) & #178; · (X & #178; - Y & #178;) calculation

(3a / x + y) & #179; / (Y-X / y + x) & #178; · (X & #178; - Y & #178;) calculation

First simplify and then evaluate: X-1 / X & # 178; - 9 △ (x / x-3-5x-1 / X & # 178; - 9), where x = 5
=(x-1)/(x+3)(x-3) ÷ (x²+3x-5x+1)/(x+3)(x-3)
①19-120%X=7 ②(1-25%)X=36 ③3/4X-50%X=17.5 ④5X+1.5=10
X=ai ke si
(1) Moving to, 19-7 = 120% x, 12 = 1.2x, the solution is x = 10, (2) 75% x = 36, 0.75x = 36, the solution is x = 48, (3) first through, 3 / 4x-2 / 4x = 17.5, the solution is x = 70, (4) 5x = 8.5, the solution is x = 1.7
19 minus 120% x = 17.5
5x square - 4x-5 = 0
The root formula of quadratic equation with one variable
Use the root formula~~
X1 = 2,5 + radical 66,10
X2 = 2,5-radical 66,10
The root formula of quadratic equation with one variable
Using the geometric meaning of absolute value inequality to solve the inequality | 4x-3 | 2 | 2x + 1|
Please try to be more detailed
An explanation of the painting axis
This is to be discussed! 1: when 4x-3 is greater than 0 and 2x + 1 is greater than 0, that is, when x is greater than 3 / 4, the absolute value sign can be directly removed. 2: when 2x + 1 is greater than 0 and 4x-3 is less than 0, that is, when x is greater than - 1 / 2 and less than 3 / 4, 3: when x is less than - 1 / 2, both inequalities are less than 0, so the - sign should be added when removing the inequality sign!
It can be divided into three categories
Draw the images on both sides of the inequality, and then make any line parallel to the X axis to cut the two function images. You will find that the function value on the left side of the inequality is always larger than that on the right side of the inequality!!!
When the equation has two real roots, the value range of X is () when x is () and the algebraic expression has the most () value, the value is ()
Let X & # 178; - 2x-3 = 0
Then x & # 178; - 2x + 1 = 4
That is, (x-1) ² = 4
X-1 = 2 or X-1 = - 2
The solution is X1 = 3, X2 = - 1
The equation has two real roots
The value range of X is: - 1
How to solve the problem that b2-4ac is less than 0
Factorization of x ^ + 2XY + X + 4Y-2
You dropped a square
The square of 4x
x> 5 / 2 or X