If M + 1 + m − 1 is the root of the equation=______ .

If M + 1 + m − 1 is the root of the equation=______ .

If we remove the denominator, we get X-1 = m, ∵ the fractional equation x − 1 x + 1 = MX + 1 has an increasing root, ∵ x + 1 = 0, we get x = - 1, ∵ M = - 1-1 = - 2
If the fractional equation X-1 / x + m minus x + 1 / 4 = 1 has a root, then M=
On the fractional equation of X, X-1 / x + m minus x + 1 / 4 = 1 has a zenith root
Then the increasing root is x = 1 or x = - 4
Remove the denominator of the original equation to get (x + 4) (x + m) - (x-1) = (x + 4) (x-1)
When x = 1, 5 (1 + m) = 0
When x = - 4, it's impossible
Is there no solution or has root to solve the fractional equation 1 / (x-1) = 1 / (2x-2)?
When x = 1, the denominator is 0, so the fractional equation has no solution
1 / 1-1 = 1 / 0, denominator not zero
In the scope of elementary mathematics, there is no solution, in fact, it can be said that there is a solution as x = infinity
No real solution
It's simple
The origin of set sign: positive integer set as N +, rational number set as Q, real number set as R
It is written in the first book of senior high school that the set of natural numbers is n, the set of positive integers is n +, the set of integers is Z, the set of rational numbers is Q, and the set of real numbers is r
How did all this come about?
It's the first letter of an English word. Natural number, plus + if it's positive, plus "-" if it's negative
On the equation x2 + ax + 2 = 0 of X, at least one real number root is less than - 1, find the value range of A
If ⊿ = A & # 178; - 8 ≥ 0, the solution is a ≥ 2 √ 2 or a ≤ - 2 √ 2
From Veda's theorem, we get X1 + x2 = - A, x1x2 = 2,
So two of them have the same sign, and the absolute value of at least one of them is greater than 1
To make at least one real root of the equation less than - 1, we only need X1 + x2 = - A
30 + (X-30) * 0.2 = 56
160 answer: mental arithmetic
According to what are the symbols of integers, rational numbers and real numbers in high school mathematics? (Z, R, Q, etc.)
Check the English translation is not like the translation, is it Latin? I can't understand it~
I hope you can give me more advice~
For example, R ah, Q ah, n ah, N + ah and so on, but Z is thank you~
The equation KX & sup2; + (K + 2) x + K / 4 = 0 of X has two unequal real roots
1, find the value range of K
2, whether there is a real number k, so that the sum of the reciprocal of the two real roots of the equation is equal to 0? If there is, find out the value of K; if not, explain the reason
【1】 Because there are two unequal real roots
So B & sup2; - 4ac > 0
That is to say, supk (2k) > 2 × 4K
【2】 Because the reciprocal sum of the roots of two real numbers is 0
Here, C and D denote X1 and X2 respectively
So 1 / C + 1 / D = 0
That is, (c + D) / CD = 0
According to Weida's theorem - B / a △ C / a = 0
That is - (K + 2) / K △ K / 4K = 0
The solution is k = - 2
If you have any questions, you can go to Baidu Hi
K is greater than - 1
K = - 2 question: can I write the process?
Solving equation 1 / (x-1) = 1 / (x-2-1)
Multiply both sides by the simplest common denominator x ^ 2-1 to get:
The solution is as follows
Substituting x = 0 into the simplest common denominator x ^ 2-1 = - 1 ≠ 0 is the solution of the original equation
So the solution of the original equation is x = 0
x^2-1 ≠0 ==> x≠±1
Multiply x ^ 2-1: x + 1 = 1 = = > x = 0
What are real numbers, rational numbers, integers
Just take a few examples. Don't be too complicated
Integers: natural numbers (such as 1,2,3), negative natural numbers (such as 1,2,3) and zeros are collectively called integers
Rational number: in mathematics, rational number is the ratio of an integer a and a non-zero integer B. It is usually written as a / B, so it is also called fraction. In Greek, it is called λο γ ο, which originally means "rational number", but it is not properly translated into Chinese, and gradually becomes "reasonable number". Real numbers that are not rational numbers are called irrational numbers. The fractional part of rational numbers is limited or circular
Real number: mathematically, real number is directly defined as the number corresponding to the point on the number line one by one. Originally, real number was only called number. Later, the concept of imaginary number was introduced. The original number was called "real number" - meaning "real number". Real number can be divided into rational number and irrational number, or algebraic number and transcendental number, or positive number, Real numbers are uncountable. Real numbers are the core research object of real analysis. Real numbers can be used to measure continuous quantities. In theory, any real number can be represented by an infinite decimal. To the right of the decimal point is an infinite sequence of numbers (which can be circular, and can be used to measure continuous quantities), In practice, a real number is often approximated to a finite decimal (n digits after the decimal point, n is a positive integer)