Scientific calculator settings! Now my calculator calculates 1-8.59e-13, and the number displayed is 1. How can I set it to 0.9999999999999141? =) the computer settings are almost the same. My calculator is Casio fx-991es

Scientific calculator settings! Now my calculator calculates 1-8.59e-13, and the number displayed is 1. How can I set it to 0.9999999999999141? =) the computer settings are almost the same. My calculator is Casio fx-991es

want a go
It should be OK to display the last 9 decimal places
If the score is displayed, press shift → = or
Press SD key
It doesn't seem to show that long. There are only ten numbers at most
What is the meaning of "e" calculated by scientific calculator?
I calculated 14 billion light years = m, and the result is 1.324512e + 26. What is e?
E is the exponent, which means the exponent with the base of 10. This format uses the exponent representation to display numbers, and replaces some numbers with e + N, where e (representing the exponent) means to multiply the previous number by the power of 10. For example, 12345678901 is expressed in the "scientific notation" format with 2 decimal places, and the result is 1.23e + 10, that is, 1.23 times 10 6.25e + 18 = 6.25 * 10 ^ 18
The use of scientific calculators shows the number of digits. E is an exponent, which means an index with a base of 10. This format uses exponential representation to display numbers, replacing some numbers with e + N, where e (representing index) means multiplying the previous number by the nth power of 10. For example, 12345678901 is expressed in the "scientific notation" format of 2 decimal places, and the result is 1.23e + 10, that is, 1.23 times the 10th power of 10. ... unfold
The use of scientific calculators shows the number of digits. E is an exponent, which means an index with a base of 10. This format uses exponential representation to display numbers, replacing some numbers with e + N, where e (representing index) means multiplying the previous number by the nth power of 10. For example, 12345678901 is expressed in the "scientific notation" format of 2 decimal places, and the result is 1.23e + 10, that is, 1.23 times the 10th power of 10. Put it away
In mathematics, e is one of the most commonly used transcendental numbers. It is usually used as the base of natural logarithm, that is, in (x) = the logarithm with E as the base X. (1) Sequence or function f (n) = (1 + 1 / N) ^ n when n →∞ = e or G (n) = (1 + n) ^ (1 / N) when n → 0 = e, i.e. the limit value sequence of (1 + 1 / N) to the nth power: 1 + 1, (the square of 1 + 0.5), (1 + 0.33...) 1.25 ^ 4, 1.2 ^ 5 Function: in fact, here the absolute value of n (i.e. "module") needs and only needs to go to infinity. ... unfold
In mathematics, e is one of the most commonly used transcendental numbers. It is usually used as the base of natural logarithm, that is, in (x) = the logarithm with E as the base X. (1) Sequence or function f (n) = (1 + 1 / N) ^ n when n →∞ = e or G (n) = (1 + n) ^ (1 / N) when n → 0 = e, i.e. the limit value sequence of (1 + 1 / N) to the nth power: 1 + 1, (the square of 1 + 0.5), (1 + 0.33...) 1.25 ^ 4, 1.2 ^ 5 Function: in fact, here the absolute value of n (i.e. "module") needs and only needs to go to infinity. (1-1) sum (1 / N!), n from 0 to infinity. 1 + 1 / 1! +1/2! +1/3! +… (1-2) e ^ x = sum ((1 / N!) x ^ n) (1-3) [n ^ n / (n-1) ^ (n-1)] - [(n-1) ^ (n-1) / (n-2) ^ (n-2)] when n →∞ = e (2) Euler formula: e ^ IX = cosx + I (SiNx), cosx = (e ^ IX + e ^ (- IX)) / 2 = re (e ^ IX), isinx = (e ^ ix-e ^ (- IX)) / 2 = IIM (e ^ IX), which can be combined with the simple properties of trigonometric function or hyperbolic trigonometric function to calculate relatively complex formulas, such as sum angle difference angle formula, and so on. I hope it can be helpful for friends to learn and flexibly apply them. (2-1) e ^ x = coshx + sinhx, that is hypcosx + hypsinx, also known as CHX, SHX. 2chx = e ^ x + e ^ (- x), 2shx = e ^ x-e ^ (- x) (3) use the calculator built in windows to calculate: the menu is "view / scientific", and then click 1 Hyp sin + (1 Hyp cos 1) or enter 1 HS + (1 HO) = or (1 HS + (1 HO)) with the keyboard. You can also copy it with Ctrl + C, switch to the calculator, and press Ctrl + V (menu "Edit / paste") to get the following 32-bit value. The above is to verify (2-1). Simply, you can click 1 inv LN, or enter 1 in. Actually, you can calculate e ^ 1, and you can get: e = 2.71828 18284 59045 23536 02874 713526 (the 31st decimal place is rounded to 7) (4) this is the two thousand digits after the decimal point: e = 2.71828 18284 59045 23536 02874 71352 66249 77572 47093 69995 95749 66967 62772 40766 30353 54759 45713 82178 52516 642746 27466 39193 20030 59921 81741 35966 29043 57290 03342 95260 59563 07381 32328 62794 34907 63233 82988 07531 95251 01901 15738 34187 93070 21540 89149 93488 41675 09244 76146 06680 82264 80016 84774 11853 74234 54424 37107 53907 77449 92069 55170 27618 38606 26133 13845 83000 75204 49338 26560 29760 67371 13200 70932 87091 27443 74704 72306 96977 20931 01416 92836 81902 55151 08657 46377 21112 52389 78442 50569 53696 77078 54499 69967 94686 44549 05987 93163 68892 30098 79312 77361 78215 42499 92295 76351 48220 82698 95193 66803 31825 28869 39849 64651 05820 93923 98294 88793 32036 25094 43117 30123 81970 68416 14039 70198 37679 32068 32823 76464 80429 53118 02328 78250 98194 55815 30175 67173 61332 06981 12509 96181 88159 30416 90351 59888 85193 45807 27386 67385 89422 87922 84998 92086 80582 57492 79610 48419 84443 63463 24496 84875 60233 62482 70419 78623 20900 21609 90235 30436 99418 49146 31409 34317 38143 64054 62531 52096 18369 08887 07016 76839 64243 78140 59271 45635 49061 30310 72085 10383 75051 01157 47704 17189 86106 87396 96552 12671 54688 95703 50354 02123 40784 98193 34321 06817 01210 05627 88023 51930 33224 74501 58539 04730 41995 77770 93503 66041 69973 29725 08868 76966 40355 57071 62268 44716 25607 98826 51787 13419 51246 65201 03059 21236 67719 43252 78675 39855 89448 96970 96409 75459 18569 56380 23637 01621 12047 74272 28364 89613 42251 64450 78182 44235 29486 36372 14174 02388 93441 24796 35743 70263 75529 44483 37998 01612 54922 78509 25778 25620 92622 64832 62779 33386 56648 16277 25164 01910 59004 91644 99828 93150 56604 72580 27786 31864 15519 56532 44258 69829 46959 30801 91529 87211 72556 34754 63964 47910 14590 40905 86298 49679 12874 06870 50489 58586 71747 98546 67757 57320 56812 88459 20541 33405 39220 00113 78630 09455 60688 16674 00169 84205 58040 33637 95376 45203 04024 32256 61352 78369 51177 88386 38744 39662 53224 98506 54995 88623 42818 99707 73327 61717 83928 03494 65014 34558 89707 19425 86398 77275 47109 62953 74152 11151 36835 06275 26023 26484 72870 39207 64310 05958 41166 12054 52970 30236 47254 92966 69381 15137 32275 36450 98889 03136 02057 24817 65851 18063 03644 28123 14965 50704 75102 54465 01172 115 55194 86685 08003 68532 28183 15219 60037 35625 27944 95158 28418 82947 87610 85263 98139 fold up
What does e mean in scientific calculator
E is called "natural logarithm", which is about 2.71828 ,lne=1.
When x approaches positive or negative infinity, the limit of [1 + (1 / x)] ^ x is equal to E. It's an infinite acyclic decimal. Its value is about 2.718281828... Logarithm of base e is usually expressed as LN. In science and technology, logarithm with base 10 is generally not used, but base E. many formulas can be simplified. It is the most "natural" to use it, so it is called "natural logarithm". ... unfold
When x approaches positive or negative infinity, the limit of [1 + (1 / x)] ^ x is equal to E. It's an infinite acyclic decimal. Its value is about 2.718281828... Logarithm of base e is usually expressed as LN. In science and technology, logarithm with base 10 is generally not used, but base E. many formulas can be simplified. It is the most "natural" to use it, so it is called "natural logarithm". Put it away
Decomposition factors: (a + b-c-d) &# 178; + 4 (a + b) (c + D) x & # 178; + 2xy-8y & # 178; - 4x-10y + 3
Given that the function f (x) = PX2 + 2q − 3x is odd and f (2) = − 53, the analytic expression of F (x) is obtained
F (x) = 2x2 + 2 − 3x. ∵ f (x) is an odd function. For any X in the domain of definition, there is f (- x) = - f (x), (4 points), that is, PX2 + 2q + 3x = - PX2 + 2q − 3x
Let vector a and vector b be nonparallel, if 2xa + (3-2y) B = (y + 1) vector a + (x + 1) vector B, and X and y are real numbers, then x =? Y =?
I really don't understand
According to the meaning: 2xa + (3-2y) B = (y + 1) a + (x + 1) B, that is: (2x-y-1) a + (3-2y-x-1) B = 0
Since vectors a and B are not parallel, the above equation holds only if:
2x-y-1 = 0, 3-2y-x-1 = 0, that is: 2x-y-1 = 0, x + 2y-2 = 0
The solution is: x = 4 / 5, y = 3 / 5
Conversion between computer system and base system
Two to sixteen, two to ten
Binary to hexadecimal: binary number to be converted to hexadecimal, that is, a 4-bit segment, respectively converted to hexadecimal
Specific list 1111 = 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 15 f
1110 = 8 + 4 + 2 + 0 = 14 E
1101 = 8 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 13 D
1100 = 8 + 4 + 0 + 0 = 12 C
1011 = 8 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 11 B
1010 = 8 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 10 A
1001 = 8 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 10 9
0001 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 1 1
0000 = 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0 0
Binary to decimal: binary to decimal
Starting from the last one, they are ranked 0, 1, 2... In turn
The nth digit (0 or 1) multiplied by the nth power of 2
The answer is the sum of the results
For example: 011011
Bit 0: 1 times 2 to the power of 0 = 1
The power of 1 times 2 = 2
The second power of 0 times 2 = 0
1 times 2 to the third power = 8
The fourth power of 0 times 2 = 0
1 times 2 to the fifth power = 32
1 times 2 to the sixth power = 64
0 times 2 to the 7th power = 0
Then: 1 + 2 + 0
Binary 011011 = decimal 107
Solving problems of first degree equation of one variable in elementary school
In order to do a good job in water conservancy construction, a village plans to build an 800 meter isosceles trapezoid canal with cross section. The construction team undertakes the project and plans to complete it within the specified time. After four days of work, the equipment is improved and the work efficiency is improved. Every day, the canal is dug 10 meters more than the original plan. As a result, the task is completed 2 days earlier than the specified time, and the number of days required to complete the project is calculated
Direct and indirect unknowns can be solved, a very simple problem
The original plan should be completed in X days
X = 16 days
Let's build a meter road every day
The equation 4 + (800-4y) / (y + 10) = 800 / Y - 2 can be listed
Y = 50
So 800 / y = 16
Both direct and indirect unknowns can be solved
The original plan should be completed in X days
X = 16 days
Indirect unknowns
The original x meter road was built every day
4+(800-4x)/(x+10)=800/x - 2
We get x = 50
Square of X + square of 2xy-8y-4x-10y + 3
Original formula = (x-4y-1) (x-2y-3)
Double cross multiplication
It's my honor to help you solve this problem
[for your precious study time, we will answer for you in the simplest way]
The results are as follows
Cross multiplication
x+4y ﹣1
x-2y ﹣3
Square of X + square of 2xy-8y-4x-10y + 3
=(x-2y-3) (x + 4y-1) ask: Yes, use the double cross method
Given that the function f (x) = (the square of PX + 2) divided by (q-3x) is an odd function, and f (2) = - 5 / 3, find the analytic expression of the function f (x)