The English full name of GT CE on the calculator is Mr MC mu m + m-ac

The English full name of GT CE on the calculator is Mr MC mu m + m-ac

GT=grand total
CE=clear entry
MR=memory read
MC=memory clean
AC=all clean
What do calculators ex, GT and Mu mean and how to use them,
Counter usage
M + is the result of calculation and add the stored number; m - is the result of calculation and subtract the current result from the stored number; MR is to read the stored data; MC is to clear the stored data; AC, CE zero is to clear the existing data and re-enter, and the other is to clear all data results and operators
For example, calculate 5 (4 + 2)
Press "4", "+," 2 "and" m + ";
Then press "5", "Mr"
Press "GT" again;
Finally, don't forget to press "MC"
What do MC, Mr, M +, M - and CE mean?
M + stores the current number in the register as a positive number
M - stores the current number in the register as a negative number
MR is to read out the original stored number
MC is the number to clear
CE is to display the current number clearly
The maximum value of the function f (x) = 3x-4x & # 179;, X ∈ (0,1) is
f'(x)=3-12*x^2; x∈(0,1)
If f '(x) > 0, the solution is 0
The derivation is f (x) = (3-12x ^ 2) ≤ 0
Monotone decreasing function f (x)
If and only if there is a unique real number m such that B = m, a vector, right?
Can you explain why?
The vector specifies that the zero vector is parallel to any vector
So when one of a and B is a zero vector, M is arbitrary rather than unique
What are the abbreviations of the letters on the C, AC and CE keys of the calculator?
What's the difference between C and AC?
All clear key (AC): press this key to clear the values in all registers
Clear key (c): during digital input, pressing this key for the first time will clear all values except memory contents
Clear input key (CE): pressing this key during digital input will clear the value in the input register and display "0"
AC = All Clear
C = Clear
CE = Clear Entry
(2x + 1y / 2) - (2x-1y / 2) where x = 1y / 4 = - 1
(2x + 1y / 2) - (2x-1y / 2)
=2X + 1y of 2-2x + 1y of 2
= -1
Original formula = 2x + Y / 2-2x + Y / 2
Factorization: 3x & # 179; - 12x & # 178; y + 12xy & # 178;
Calculation: X × X & # - 179; + (- 2x & # - 178;) - # - 178; + 24x sixth power △ (- 4x & # - 178;)
Let f (x / 2) = (x / 2) be a monotone function
Please use the method mentioned in high school compulsory one
It is known that a, B, C and P are four points in the plane. The sufficient and necessary condition for proving that "a, B and C are on a straight line" is that "there exists a pair of real numbers m, N, so that the vector PC = m (direction)
I've been tangled for a long time. It's a concrete process,
There is a pair of real numbers m, n such that the vector PC = m vector PA + n vector Pb, and M + n = 1“
Sufficiency: PC = MPa + NPB = m (PC + Ca) + n (PC + CB) = (M + n) PC + MCA + NCB = PC + MCA + NCB, then there is MCA = - NCB, then CA is parallel to CB, then a, B, C are proved to be collinear sufficiency! Necessity: because a, B, C are collinear, AC = tab, then PC = P