Electronic calculator is generally composed of () and internal circuit no The internal circuit consists of four parts

Electronic calculator is generally composed of () and internal circuit no The internal circuit consists of four parts

Case, battery, keyboard, display screen
CE is the abbreviation of clear entry, which means to clear the entry. The function is to clear the screen and the previous operation result. In the design of this function, the calculated value is usually cleared by clearing the registered value in the arithmetic register
After C, the result can be cleared before the operation
How to calculate arctan angle with scientific calculator requires that the final result is angle form
When calculating the arctan angle, we should use the angle system, that is, DEG system. The unit of the result is "degree", and then use the conversion of degree, minute and second to bond into the form of degree, minute and second. For example, arctan 1.73 = 59.97 ° = 59 ° 58'14 ". Take the computer calculator as an example, the operation is as follows: 1.73, inv, Tan, (display 59.970...) 、dms...
On the use of scientific calculators
How to enter an equation
It's Tianyan, a scientific calculator
Unable to enter
This computer cannot enter the equation
Find the value of 2x minus 3 (x minus 1 / 3 y squared) plus 6 (minus 3 / 2 x plus 1 / 3 y squared), where x = minus 2 and Y equals 2 / 3
Find the value of 2x minus 3 (x minus 1 / 3 y squared) plus 6 (minus 3 / 2 x plus 1 / 3 y squared), where x = minus 2 and Y equals 2 / 3
I'm very glad to answer your questions. Skyhunter 002 will answer your questions
If you don't understand this question, you can ask,
The maximum of function y = cos & # 178; X + 2 √ 3sinxcosx + 5, X ∈ [- π / 6, π / 3]
Y = root 3sin2x + 1 / 2 (2cos ^ 2x-1) + 11 / 2
Y = root 3sin2x + 1 / 2cos2x + 11 / 2
Y = root (3 + 1 / 4) sin (2x + θ) + 11 / 2
Y = radical 13 / 2Sin (2x + θ) + 11 / 2
X belongs to [- π / 6, π / 3] 2x belongs to [- π / 3, 2 π / 3]
Sin θ = 1 / 2 / (radical 13 / 2) = 1 / radical 13
2X + θ can get π / 2
So the maximum value is (root 13 + 11) / 2. Please take it
(*^__ ^*(hee hee The process upstairs is very good. You are a freshman in high school, and so am I! This kind of problem is a conventional problem. We should use the formula of double angle and the formula of reducing power flexibly Those trigonometric formulas. In addition, from "y = radical 3sin2x + 1 / 2cos2x + 11 / 2" to "y = radical (3 + 1 / 4) sin (2x + θ) + 11 / 2", if you don't understand this step, read the book p109, our teacher a Zhong said that we don't test the general links, but this link is very important! Your book should also be the blue one, right? Compulsory four Oh!? ... unfold
(*^__ ^*(hee hee The process upstairs is very good. You are a freshman in high school, and so am I! This kind of problem is a conventional problem. We should use the formula of double angle and the formula of reducing power flexibly Those trigonometric formulas. In addition, from "y = radical 3sin2x + 1 / 2cos2x + 11 / 2" to "y = radical (3 + 1 / 4) sin (2x + θ) + 11 / 2", if you don't understand this step, read the book p109, our teacher a Zhong said that we don't test the general links, but this link is very important! Your book should also be the blue one, right? Compulsory four Oh!? Put it away
What is the necessary and sufficient condition for two vectors to be collinear?
First of all, we must ensure that neither vector is a zero vector, and second, the vector a is not equal to KB
There is a unique real number λ such that B = λ a
let a,b be nth dimensional vector
a= (a1,a2,...,an)
a. A necessary and sufficient condition for B to be collinear
a1/b1=a2/b2=...=an/bn=k ( where k is a constant )
First of all, if you change this formula, you can get λ 1A = - λ 2B, then a / b = (- λ 2) / (λ 1) (λ 1 is not equal to 0)
That is to say, the ratio of - λ 2 to λ 1 can be any real number. When the ratio is greater than zero, the two vectors have the same direction; when the ratio is less than 0, the two directions are opposite; when the ratio is zero, a vector is a zero vector. The zero vector is collinear with any vector
2) Correct your concept first, and you'll understand what's going on~
Expand in vector
First of all, if you change this formula, you can get λ 1A = - λ 2B, then a / b = (- λ 2) / (λ 1) (λ 1 is not equal to 0)
That is to say, the ratio of - λ 2 to λ 1 can be any real number. When the ratio is greater than zero, the two vectors have the same direction; when the ratio is less than 0, the two directions are opposite; when the ratio is zero, a vector is a zero vector. The zero vector is collinear with any vector
2) Correct your concept first, and you'll understand what's going on~
In the concept of vector and vector, they are collinear. I hope you can look at the definitions in the relevant parts of the textbook.
I hope my answer will help you! Put it away
Definition of quantity
In mathematics, the quantity with only size but no direction is called quantity (or pure quantity), and in physics it is often called scalar.
The definition of vector
A quantity with both size and direction is called a vector.
Note: vector in linear algebra refers to the ordered array of N real numbers, which is called n-dimensional vector. α=(a1,a2,… Where AI is called the ith component of vector α.
(the "1" of "A1" is the subscript of a, the "I" of "Ai" is the subscript of a, and so on)
Definition of quantity
In mathematics, the quantity with only size but no direction is called quantity (or pure quantity), and in physics it is often called scalar.
The definition of vector
A quantity with both size and direction is called a vector.
Note: vector in linear algebra refers to the ordered array of N real numbers, which is called n-dimensional vector. α=(a1,a2,… Where AI is called the ith component of vector α.
(the "1" of "A1" is the subscript of a, the "I" of "Ai" is the subscript of a, and so on).
Representation of vector
1. Algebraic representation: generally used for printing small letters α, β, γ in boldface Or a, B, C Handwriting is used in a, B, C, etc It is indicated by adding an arrow to the letter.
2. Geometric representation: vectors can be represented by directed line segments. The length of the directed line segment represents the size of the vector, and the direction indicated by the arrow represents the direction of the vector. (if the endpoint a of line segment AB is defined as the starting point and B as the end point, then the line segment has the direction and length from the starting point a to the end point B. This kind of line segment with direction and length is called directed line segment.)
3. Coordinate representation: in the plane rectangular coordinate system, two unit vectors I and j with the same direction as X axis and Y axis are taken as the base. A is any vector in the plane rectangular coordinate system. Take the coordinate origin o as the starting point and make the vector OP = a. According to the basic theorem of plane vector, there is only one pair of real numbers (x, y), such that a = vector OP = Xi + YJ. Therefore, the pair of real numbers (x, y) is called the coordinates of vector a, denoted as a = (x, y). This is the coordinate representation of vector a. Where (x, y) is the coordinate of point P. The vector OP is called the position vector of point P.
The module of a vector and the number of vectors
The size of the vector, that is, the length of the vector (or module). The module of vector a is denoted as | a |.
1. The module of a vector is a nonnegative real number, which can be compared in size.
2. Because directions cannot compare sizes, vectors cannot compare sizes. For vectors, the concepts of "greater than" and "less than" are meaningless. For example, "vector AB & gt; vector CD" is meaningless.
Special vectors
Unit vector
A vector with length of unit 1 is called a unit vector. A vector with length of unit 1 in the same direction as vector a is called a unit vector in the direction of a, denoted as A0, A0 = A / | a |.
Zero vector
A vector with a length of 0 is called a zero vector, which is recorded as 0. The starting point and the ending point of the zero vector coincide, so the zero vector has no definite direction, or the direction of the zero vector is arbitrary.
Equality vector
Vectors of equal length and direction are called equal vectors. Vectors a and B are equal, denoted as a = B
Rule: all zero vectors are equal
When a vector is represented by a directed line segment, the starting point can be selected arbitrarily. Any two equal non-zero vectors can be represented by the same directed line segment and have nothing to do with the starting point of the directed line segment. All the directed line segments with the same direction and the same length represent the same vector.
Free vector
If the starting point of a vector is not fixed, it can move arbitrarily in parallel, and the moved vector still represents the original vector.
In the sense of free vector, equal vectors are regarded as the same vector.
Only free vectors are studied in mathematics.
Sliding vector
A vector acting along a straight line is called a sliding vector.
Fixed vector
A vector acting on a point is called a fixed vector (also known as a glue vector).
Position vector
For any point P in the coordinate plane, we call the vector op the position vector of point P, denoted as vector P.
Opposite vector
A vector of equal length and opposite direction to a is called the opposite vector of a, denoted as - A. There are - (- a) = a;
The opposite of a zero vector is still a zero vector.
Parallel vector
Non zero vectors with the same or opposite directions are called parallel (or collinear) vectors. Vectors a and B are parallel (collinear), denoted as a ‖ B
The length of zero vector is zero. It is a vector whose starting point and ending point coincide. Its direction is uncertain. We stipulate that zero vector is parallel to any vector
A set of vectors parallel to the same line is collinear.
Coplanar vector
Three (or more) vectors parallel to the same plane are called coplanar vectors.
Vectors in space have and only have the following two positional relations: (1) coplanar; (2) non coplanar.
Only three or more vectors are coplanar or not coplanar.
The operation of vector
Let a = (x, y), B = (x ', y').
1. The addition of vectors
The addition of vectors satisfies parallelogram rule and triangle rule.
Operation rate of vector addition:
A + B = commutative law;
Law of association: (a + b) + C = a + (B + C).
2. Subtraction of vectors
If a and B are opposite vectors, then a = - B, B = - A, a + B = 0
4. Multiplication vector
The product of real number λ and vector a is a vector, denoted as λ a, and ∣ λ a ∣ = ∣ λ ∣ ·∣ a ∣.
When λ > 0, λ A and a are in the same direction;
When λ < 0, λ A and a are opposite;
When λ = 0, λ a = 0, the direction is arbitrary.
When a = 0, for any real number, there is λ.
Note: by definition, if λ a = 0, then λ = 0 or a = 0.
The real number λ is called the coefficient of vector a. the geometric meaning of multiplier vector λ A is to extend or compress the directed line segment representing vector a.
When ∣ λ ∣ 1, the directed line segment of vector a is extended to ∣ λ ∣ times in the original direction (λ > 0) or the opposite direction (λ < 0);
When ∣ λ ∣ 1, the directed line segment of vector a is shortened to ∣ λ ∣ times in the original direction (λ > 0) or the opposite direction (λ < 0).
The multiplication of number and vector satisfies the following operation law
Law of association: (λ a) · B = λ (a · b) = (a · λ b).
The distributive law of vector to number (the first distributive law): (λ + μ) a = λ a + μ a
The distributive law of number to vector (the second distributive law): λ (a + b) = λ a + λ B
The elimination law of multiplication vector: ① if the real number λ≠ 0 and λ a = λ B, then a = B. ② If a ≠ 0 and λ a = μ a, then λ = μ.
3. The scalar product of vector
Definition: the sum of two nonzero vectors