1 divided by 3 and multiplied by 3 equals 1 1/3=0.33333333333. 0.333.*3=0.999. I remember that I heard the teacher say it in class There is only addition and subtraction in the computer, and multiplication and division are realized by addition and subtraction But I forgot how to do it, and suddenly I was curious about it

1 divided by 3 and multiplied by 3 equals 1 1/3=0.33333333333. 0.333.*3=0.999. I remember that I heard the teacher say it in class There is only addition and subtraction in the computer, and multiplication and division are realized by addition and subtraction But I forgot how to do it, and suddenly I was curious about it

Boy, it's three divided by one
The computer shows the number with more digits (limited digits), which is scientific counting method with natural logarithm
0.9…… The limit of this number is 1. Of course, it shows 1
It's very esoteric... Maybe the calculator was converted
It's 1 times 3 divided by 3
--------What the questioner answers is the correct answer!
Because: 1 △ 3 = 0.3333
So: 0.99999999... = 1
Add 70 to a number and multiply by 2 to get 2600. Can you work out the number with a calculator?
It can be calculated as 2600 △ 2-70 = 1230
2600 divided by two minus 70~~
Just press it on the calculator!
10 and 3 / 8 times 7 / 11 plus 7 / 8 times 5 / 11
Casio calculator how to remove the function of first multiply and then add
For example: scientific calculator 5 + 5 * 2 = 15
Ordinary calculator 5 + 5 * 2 = 20
I want to turn my scientific calculator into an ordinary calculator. How to use it
1、 Add bracket:
2、 Separate calculation:
5 + 5 = * 2 =.
Given that the solution of x = 10-4x is the same as that of the equation 5x + 2m = 2, find the value of M,
Because the solutions of the two equations are the same,
So substitute x = 2 into the equation 5x + 2m = 2
So 5x2 + 2m = 2
The first solution is x = 10-4x
Substitute 5x + 2m = 2
Substituting into equation 5x + 2m = 2, we get
If it helps, please take it
Hee hee
First, solve the first equation, calculate x = 2, substitute x = 2 into the second equation, and solve M = - 4
How about {5x + 4Y = 7 {7x + 3Y = 15
5x+4y=7 1
7x+3y=15 2
Formula 1 * 3 gives 15x + 12Y = 21.3
Formula 2 * 4 is 28x + 12Y = 604
Formula 4-3 is 13X = 39
Substituting 1 5 * 3 + 4Y = 7
The solution is x = 3, y = - 2
It's too troublesome to type it out. It's very simple. You can figure it out by yourself
Find the hyperbolic equation of the asymptote equation 2x + - 3Y = 0, the focus is the vertex of the ellipse x ^ / 16 + y ^ / 9 = 1
There are two equations: 13X ^ / 144-13y ^ / 64 = 1 with focus on the x-axis and 13y ^ / 36-13x ^ / 81 = 1 with focus on the y-axis
Ellipse X & sup2 / 16 + Y & sup2 / 9 = 1
A & sup2; = 16, a = 4, vertex (4, 0) (- 4, 0)
So the focus of the hyperbola is on the x-axis
According to the meaning of the title
Suppose hyperbolic equation
X / a = Y / B or X / a = - Y / b
Because 2x-3y = 0, that is, X / y = 3 / 2, a / b = 3 / 2... Is expanded
Ellipse X & sup2 / 16 + Y & sup2 / 9 = 1
A & sup2; = 16, a = 4, vertex (4, 0) (- 4, 0)
So the focus of the hyperbola is on the x-axis
According to the meaning of the title
Suppose hyperbolic equation
X / a = Y / B or X / a = - Y / b
Because 2x-3y = 0, that is, X / y = 3 / 2, a / b = 3 / 2
Equation: X & sup2; / (144 / 13) - Y & sup2; / (64 / 13) = 1, that is 13X & sup2 / / 144-13y & sup2 / / 64 = 1
What does ⊕ mean in computer binary number
Binary number_ Baidu Encyclopedia
Encyclopedia business card binary is a number system widely used in computing technology. Binary data is a number represented by 0 and 1. Its cardinal number is 2, carry rule is "every two into one", borrow rule is "borrow one as two"