Given the function f (x) = | 1 / X-1 |, if there are real numbers a, B, (a)

Given the function f (x) = | 1 / X-1 |, if there are real numbers a, B, (a)

Obviously, AB > 0 and 1 &; [a, b]
① B 0 and 1 / 2m0
When Δ = 1-4m > 0, the solution is 0
[1 / b-1,1 / A-1] ask: give me some process
It is known that the product of the first n terms of positive term sequence {an} is TN = (14) N2 − 6N (n ∈ n *), BN = log2an, then the maximum value of the first n terms of sequence {BN} and Sn is ()
A. S6B. S5C. S4D. S3
It is known that when n = 1, A1 = T1 = (14) − 5 = 45, when n ≥ 2, an = tntn − 1 = (14) 2n − 7, n = 1 is also suitable for the above formula. The general formula of sequence {an} is an = (14) 2n − 7 | BN = log2an = 14-4n, and sequence {BN} is an arithmetic sequence with 10 as the first term and - 4 as the tolerance
What is the principal value of the argument of complex Z?
Suppose that the principal value of the argument of the complex Z is two-thirds, the imaginary part is, and the root sign is three, then what is the square of Z?
The complex z = a + bi is transformed into the triangular form z = R (COS θ + sin θ I), where r = sqrt (a ^ 2 + B ^ 2), is the modulus (i.e. absolute value) of the complex; θ is the angle with X-axis as the starting edge and ray oz as the ending edge, which is called the radiation angle of the complex, denoted as argz, i.e. argz = θ = arctan (B / a), let z = R (COS θ + sin)
Definition: the complex z = a + bi (a, B ∈ R) expressed as R (COS θ + isin θ) is called trigonometric form of complex Z. That is Z = R (COS θ + isin θ), where θ is the argument of complex Z.
Given the function f (x) = log2x, the positive real number m, n satisfies m < n, and f (m) = f (n),
If the maximum value of F (x) on the interval [M & # 178;, n & # 178;] is 2, then M + n=
According to the topic
Given that the sequence {an} satisfies A1 = 2, an = 2an-1 + 2 (n ∈ n *, and N ≥ 2), if the sequence {BN} satisfies BN = log2 (an + 2), let tn be the first n of the sequence {BN / an + 2}
Item sum, verification: TN < 3 / 2
When n ≥ 2,
(an + 2) / [a (n-1) + 2] = 2
The sequence {an + 2} is an equal ratio sequence with 4 as the first term and 2 as the common ratio
an +2=4×2^(n-1)=2^(n+1)
bn=log2(an +2)=log2[2^(n+1)]=n+1
bn/(an +2)=(n+1)/2^(n+1)
Tn-Tn/2=Tn/2=1/2 +1/2³+...+1/2^(n+1) -(n+1)/2^(n+2)
Tn=1+1/2²+1/2³+...+1/2ⁿ- (n+1)/2^(n+1)
=1/2 +(1/2+1/2²+1/2³+...+1/2ⁿ) -(n+1)/2^(n+1)
=1/2 +(1/2)(1-1/2ⁿ)/(1-1/2) -(n+1)/2^(n+1)
=3/2 -1/2ⁿ -(n+1)/2^(n+1)
Finding the modulus and principal value of the complex z = - 1 + I
Module: | Z | = √ (1 + 1) = √ 2
Main value of radiation angle: α
Given the function f (x) = - x ^ 2 + MX-1 (M is a real number), ① find the maximum value of F (x) in the interval [1 / 2,1], ②
Known function f (x) = - x ^ 2 + MX-1 (M is a real number)
① Find the maximum value of F (x) in the interval [1 / 2,1],
② If | f (x) | increases in the interval (1 / 2, + ∞), the value range of M is obtained
F = - x ^ 2 + MX-1 = - (x-m / 2) ^ 2 + m ^ 2 / 4-1 when m / 22, f (x) increases on [1 / 2,1], f (x) max = f (1) = m-2 (2) f (x) = - (x-m / 2) ^ 2 + m ^ 2 / 4-1, the symmetry axis is x = m / 2, the opening is downward, when m ^ 2 / 4-1 ≤ 0, that is - 2 ≤ m ≤ 2, the increasing interval of | f (x) | = (x-m / 2) ^ 2 + 1-m ^ 2 / 4 | f (x) | is [M / 2, + ∞)
(2) If the sequence {BN} satisfies BN = an log2 an + 1, find the first n terms and TN of the sequence {BN}
Lack of an
If the variables X and y satisfy the constraint conditions: y is less than or equal to 1, X is less than or equal to 2, and X-Y is greater than or equal to 0, then the maximum value of X + 3Y is () fill in the blank,
If the variables X and y satisfy the constraints: y is less than or equal to 1, X is less than or equal to 2, and X-Y is greater than or equal to 0, then the maximum value of X + 3Y is (5)
Given that f (x) = absolute value log2x, positive real number m, n satisfies m < n, and f (m) = f (n), if the maximum value of F (x) in the interval [M, n] is 2, then M + n = if
Is log2x the logarithm of log with 2 as the base x? If so, n = 4, M = 1 / 4, so m + n = 17 / 4, you can draw an image