In the polar coordinate system, find the polar coordinate equation of a line or circle which is suitable for the following conditions: (1) a line passing through the pole with an inclination angle of π / 3 (2) A line passing through a point (2, π / 3) and perpendicular to the polar axis (3) A circle whose center is a (1, π / 4) and radius is 1 (4) A circle whose center is (a, π / 2) and radius is a

In the polar coordinate system, find the polar coordinate equation of a line or circle which is suitable for the following conditions: (1) a line passing through the pole with an inclination angle of π / 3 (2) A line passing through a point (2, π / 3) and perpendicular to the polar axis (3) A circle whose center is a (1, π / 4) and radius is 1 (4) A circle whose center is (a, π / 2) and radius is a

1. θ = π / 3 or θ = 4 π / 3
I love you... This angle symbol is too hard to type... If you can't, you can write out the representation of the rectangular coordinate system first, and then replace it with L ^ 2 = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2. L is the length, and that letter is hard to type...
In the polar coordinate system, find the polar coordinate equation of the line or circle which is suitable for the following conditions: through the pole, the straight line whose inclination angle is π / 3
If the inclination angle is π / 3, the straight line is θ = π / 3
The "polar coordinate" equation of the circle with the center at a (1, π / 2) and radius 1,
Transformation formula between polar coordinate equation and rectangular coordinate equation
The above equation is very easy,
Take the upper transformation formula into the rectangular coordinate equation of the circle and simplify it again, isn't it?
It is known that {an} is an arithmetic sequence whose first term is a and tolerance is 1, BN = 1 + Anan. If BN ≥ B8 holds for any n ∈ n *, then the value range of a is______ .
The general formula of {an} sequence is an = a + n-1, ∵ BN = 1 + Anan = 1 + 1An = 1 + 1A + n − 1. ∵ BN ≥ B8 ∵ 1 + 1An ≥ 1 + 1a8, that is, 1An ≥ 1a8. The sequence {an} is an increasing sequence, and the tolerance is 1, ∵ A8 = a + 8-1 < 0, A9 = a + 9-1 > 0
The general form of transforming equation (x + 2) ^ 2 = (3x-4) ^ 2 into quadratic equation with one variable is___ Where the coefficient of quadratic term is___ The coefficient of the first term is___ %
The coefficient of the first term is______ The constant term is_____
The general form of the equation (x + 2) ^ 2 = (3x-4) ^ 2 is 8x ^ 2-28x + 12, in which the coefficient of quadratic term is 8 and the coefficient of primary term is 2800%
If 0 < a < 1 is known, then the number of real roots of the equation a ^ | x | = | log a x | is?
To find the number of real roots of the equation is to find the number of intersections of the images of two corresponding functions
The real root of the equation a ^| x | = | log a x | can be transformed into the intersection of the images of y = a ^| x |, y = | log a x |
Y = a ^ | x | is an even function. Draw the image of y = a ^ x (x > 0) and fold it along the y-axis to get the image of y = a ^ | x |
The function value of y = | log a x | is positive. First, draw the image of y = log a x, fold up the part below the X axis, and get the image of y = | log a x |
It is found that there are two intersections, so the corresponding equation has two real roots
If the function f (x) = cos2x + SiNx cosx TX increases monotonically on [0, π / 2], then the value range of real number T is?
The answer is (negative infinity, root 2-2]
The first term of the arithmetic sequence {an} is a, the tolerance is D; the first term of the arithmetic sequence {BN} is B, the tolerance is e, if CN = an + BN, (n is greater than or equal to 1) and C1 = 4, C2 = 8. Find the general term formula of the sequence (CN)
Can we use C2 minus C1 to calculate the tolerance, and then directly say that the formula is CN equals 4 minus (n minus 1) 4 equals 4N? If not, please tell me why?
A + B is the first term and D + e is the tolerance
If x = 4 is a root of the quadratic equation x2-3x = A2, then the value of constant a is___ .
Substituting x = 4 into the equation x2-3x = A2, we can get 16-12 = A2, and the solution is a = ± 2, so the answer is: a = ± 2
If the equation (A-1) &# 178; - 2x + 1 = 0 has real roots, then the value range of a is
A = 1, then the equation is - 2x + 1 = 0
There are real roots
It's a quadratic equation of one variable
So the discriminant △ = 4-4 (A-1) > = 0
This is a linear equation of one variable. No matter what value a takes, X has real roots