∫ x radical (2x-x ^ 2) DX

∫ x radical (2x-x ^ 2) DX

This paper is a work that is done by using the triangle transformation to do the following work: as shown in the figure, the following is the following: the following is the figure, the following is the figure, the following is the following: the following is the figure, the following is the figure, the following is the figure, the following is the following is the figure, the following is the following is the figure, the following is the following is the figure, as shown in the figure, the following is the following is the following is the following is the figure, the following is the following is the following is the following is the figure, the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the following is the figure, the following is the following is the figure, the following is the figure, the following is the figure, the following is the figure, the following is the figure, the following is the following is the figure, the figure, the following is the figure, the following is the figure, the figure, the following is the following is the figure, the figure, the figure, the following is the figure, the figure, the following is the following is sp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; = & nbsp; ∫4(sint)^2*2cost * 2cost dt                               = ∫4(sin2t) ^2dt                               = ∫(1 - cos4t)/2 d4t                               = 2t - sin(4t)/2 + C                               = 2t - 2sintcost[1 - 2(sint)^2] + C      &Nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; = & nbsp; 2arcsin (x / 2) & nbsp; - & nbsp; √ (2x & nbsp; - & nbsp; X ^ 2) / 2 & nbsp; * & nbsp; (1 & nbsp; - & nbsp; X ^ 2 / 2) & nbsp; + & nbsp; C I hope my answer will help you~
∫ x radical (2x-x ^ 2) DX = ∫ x radical (- 1 + 2x-x ^ 2 + 1) DX = ∫ x radical (1 - (x-1) ^ 2DX)
Let t = X-1
=∫ (T + 1) root sign (1-T ^ 2) DT, then integral by parts
∫ x√(2x - x²) dx
= ∫x√[- (x² - 2x + 1) + 1] dx
= ∫x√[1 - (x - 1)²] dx
Let X - 1 = sin θ, DX = cos θ D θ
= ∫(1 + sinθ)|cosθ| * cosθ dθ
= ∫(1 + sinθ)cos²θ dθ
=... unfold
∫ x√(2x - x²) dx
= ∫x√[- (x² - 2x + 1) + 1] dx
= ∫x√[1 - (x - 1)²] dx
Let X - 1 = sin θ, DX = cos θ D θ
= ∫(1 + sinθ)|cosθ| * cosθ dθ
= ∫(1 + sinθ)cos²θ dθ
= ∫cos²θ dθ + ∫(- π/2,π/2) sinθcos²θ dθ
=∫cos2 + ∫ (θ s) / 2
Is the recommended answer right. Part two?? Do a good calculation,
As shown in the figure, ABC is known to be three points on the number axis, and point C corresponds to the number
As shown in the figure, given that points a, B and C are three points on the number axis, the corresponding number of point C is 6, BC = 4 and ab = 12. (1) find the corresponding number of a and B
(2) The moving points P and Q start from a and C at the same time and move along the positive direction of the number axis at the speed of six units and three units per second, respectively. M is the midpoint of AP, n is on CQ, and CN = one third of CQ. Let time be t (t > 0)
To find the number corresponding to Mn (expressed by the algebraic formula containing T)
B is 2, a is - 10
M is 3t-5 and N is t + 2
Given that the function f (x) = x ^ 2 + 2 (A-1) x + 2 is a decreasing function in the interval (negative infinity, 4), find the value range of real number a,
For the quadratic function f (x) = x ^ 2 + 2 (A-1) x + 2, the opening is upward,
Axis of symmetry x = - 2 (A-1) / 2 = 1-A,
Monotonically decreasing on (- ∞, 1-A), monotonically increasing on [1-A, + ∞)
There are 4 ≤ 1-A  a ≤ - 3
In the international system of units, what is the unit of speed? What is the symbol?
Thank you!
It's meters per second, M / s
Primary school sixth grade mathematics addition, subtraction, multiplication and division mixed operation 70, kneeling, emergency
1.3/7 × 49/9 - 4/3 2.8/9 × 15/36 + 1/27 3.12× 5/6 – 2/9 ×3 4.8× 5/4 + 1/4 5.6÷ 3/8 – 3/8 ÷6 6.4/7 × 5/9 + 3/7 × 5/9 7.5/2 -( 3/2 + 4/5 ) 8.7/8 + ( 1/8 + 1/9 ) 9.9 × 5/6 + 5/6 10.3/4 ×...
If the function f (x) = x2 + 2 (A-1) x + 2 is a decreasing function on (- ∞, 4], then the value range of real number a is ()
A. a≤-3B. a≥-3C. a≤5D. a≥5
∵ f (x) = x2 + 2 (A-1) x + 2 = (x + A-1) 2 + 2 - (A-1) 2, its axis of symmetry is: x = 1-A ∵ function f (x) = x2 + 2 (A-1) x + 2 is a decreasing function on (- ∞, 4], so a is selected
For example, for a consumer in a circuit, when the resistance of the consumer increases, the electric power increases or decreases. Which formula should be used
The teacher talked about two formulas of electric power, one is the ratio of u to R, and the other is the ratio of I to R. if the resistance becomes larger, the former means that the electric power becomes smaller, and the latter means that the electric power becomes larger. When to use which formula? This problem has puzzled me for a long time
It depends on whether the voltage at both ends of the appliance changes,
For example, parallel circuit: voltage unchanged, use p = U2 / R, resistance larger, power smaller
If you use p = I2R, it must be considered that the increase of resistance will cause the current of the branch to decrease
The key of electricity is to choose the right formula according to the specific situation of the topic, sum up carefully, and master it. Come on!
Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of quadratic radical
There are some ways to learn the second radical. If you practice frequently, you can master it well
Addition and subtraction: they can be classified into the same category. Those with the same number under the root sign can be operated, otherwise they cannot be added or subtracted
Multiplication and division: when multiplying, remember the same two root sign items, that is, the numbers under the root sign are the same, multiply to remove the root sign; division becomes one, and finally rationalize the denominator
The most worthy problem is similar to the problem of double root sign 5 plus 6 root. At this time, we should imitate the square form of root sign a plus root sign B
The root sign term is changed into 2 times the root sign AB, and the integer term is changed into a plus B. for example, 2 times the root sign 5 is 2 times the root sign 1 times the root sign 5, and 6 is 1 plus 5, so the original formula after square root is root sign 5 plus 1, and so on
May you make progress and ask again
Let f (x) = root ax & sup2; + BX + C (a < 0) be defined as d if all points (s, f (T)) (s, t ∈ d) form a square
I want to ask why (B & # 178; - 4ac) / 4A needs a root
Sorry, wrong question. (4ac-b & # 178;) / 4A why root
Let's find the root by △ method. The △ itself is in the root sign
What is the formula for calculating the electric power of electric appliance with non pure resistance
It's UI. That's right
For example, the motor is not pure resistance
What is his total power
But the thermal power is the square of I, R
The two are not equal
It shows that Ohm's law is not applicable in non pure resistance circuit
But p is UI
P = I * u * cosa, where cosa is the power factor and a is the phase difference between current and voltage.
UI is not wrong, UI is the most primitive formula, there will be no mistake