What number is negative minus positive? For example, how much is negative 50 minus two?

What number is negative minus positive? For example, how much is negative 50 minus two?

Negative, negative minus positive equals negative plus negative, (- 50) - 2 = - 52
Negative minus positive equals negative
Minus 50 minus two is minus 52
Negative, - 52
Negative, - 52
A large truck and a car start from city a to city B at the same time. The truck runs 75 kilometers per hour and the car 80 kilometers per hour. There are two cars
When will it be 15 kilometers away?
15÷(80-75 )=3
After X hours, the distance between the two vehicles is 15 km
Solution equation: radical (1 + (9 / x)) + 4 radical (x / (x + 9)) = 4
Both sides of the original formula are squared at the same time to get 1 + 9 / x + 2 * √ ((x + 9) / x) * 4 * √ X / (x + 9) + 16 * x / (x + 9) = 161 + 9 / x + 8 + 16x / (x + 9) = 169 / x + 16x / (x + 9) = 16-8-1 = 79 (x + 9) + 16x & # 178; = 7x (x + 9) 9x + 81 + 16x & # 178; = 7x & # 178; + 63x9x & # 178; - 54x
The result is x = 3
The sum of three numbers is equal to 15, the difference between the first number minus the second number is equal to the difference between the second number minus the third number, then the sum of the second number and the third number is greater than the first number
If the number is greater than 1, find the number
(to calculate the process)
The first number: (15-1) △ 2 = 7
The sum of the second and third numbers: 15-7 = 8
The second number: (5 + 8)
The third number: 3-5
A and B trucks leave phase B at the same time. B trucks leave a and B at a speed of 40 km / h and a distance of 300 km / h. A trucks leave at a speed of 60 km / h
A and B trucks leave from a and B 300 km apart at the same time. Car a goes to place B at 60 km / h, and car B goes to place a at 40 km / h. car a stops at place B for 2 hours and then returns at the same speed. Car B stops at place a for half an hour and then returns at the same speed?
B return departure time (300 / 40) + 0.5 = 8 hours
A: at this time, 8 - (300 / 60) - 2 = 1 hour. It has already started for 1 hour
Distance 300-60 = 240
Consumption time = 240 / (60 + 40) = 2.4 hours
Total 8 + 2.4 = 10.4 hours
5 hours a to B
7.5 hours for B to arrive at a
In the seventh hour, a returned
At the eighth hour, B began to return
B began to return when a had gone 60
There are 240 kilometers left for the two to meet
240 / (40 + 60) = 2.4 hours
Plus 8 hours when B leaves
A total of 10.4 hours is 10 hours and 24 minutes
From departure to return, the two cars meet for X hours
From departure to return, the two vehicles meet for 7.4 hours
If it helps, please take it. thank you
Solve the equation 4 radical (x-1) + 5 radical (x + 1) = 9 radical X
Square on both sides
Square on both sides
The sum of three numbers is equal to 15. The difference between the first number and the second number is equal to the difference between the second number and the third number. The sum of the second number and the third number is 1 larger than the first number. To solve these three numbers, we use the cubic equation
A and B start from city a and go to city B at the same time. A truck runs 60 kilometers per hour, which is 34 times the speed of B truck. How many kilometers are the two trucks apart in two hours? (calculated in two ways)
(1) (60 △ 34-60) × 2, = (80-60) × 2, = 20 × 2, = 40 (km); answer: two hours later, the two vehicles are 40 km apart. (2) (60 △ 34) × (1-34) × 2, = 80 × 14 × 2, = 40 (km); answer: two hours later, the two vehicles are 40 km apart
Solve equation x + 18x + 30 = 2 root x + 18x + 45
 + x =  + 178; + X
X & # 178; + 18x + 45-2 radical (X & # 178; + 18x + 45) - 15 = 0
Let y = radical X & # 178; + 18x + 45
The square of y-2y-15 = 0
If y is taken in, 9 = x & # 178; + 18x + 45
The equation x & # 178; + 18x + 36 = 0 can find two real roots, so the product is 36
If Y2 is brought in, then x & # 178; + 18x + 20 = 0
Same as above, product 20
So the total product is 720
15 minus half of a number equals 2 of the number, and we find the number
Let this number be X
A: the number is 6
The number is six
The number is 12