What is the number that one third of a number minus one fourth of it equals seven

What is the number that one third of a number minus one fourth of it equals seven

This number is 84
Simple calculation of 98 / 100 △ 99
100 ÷ 98/99
=( 98 + 2)÷ 98/99
= 99 + 99/ 49
=99 + 2 and 1 / 49
=101 1 / 49
In the sequence a 1 + 40, then a 2 = a 3 + 40}
A. 135B. 100C. 95D. 80
Based on the properties of the equal ratio sequence {an}, S2, s4-s2, s6-s4, s8-s6 are equal ratio sequence, S2 = 40, s4-s2 = A3 + A4 = 60, then s6-s4 = 90, s8-s6 = 135, so A7 + A8 = s8-s6 = 135
If you subtract 2 and 5 / 7 from a number and add 3 and 1 / 44 to 1 and 2 / 7, find the number
It's 43 out of 1 and 44
This number is 1 and 2 / 7 + 2 and 5 / 7-3 and 1 / 44
=4-3 and 1 / 44
Simple calculation of 4.98 * 99 + 4.98
If a1 + A2 = 40, A3 + A4 = 60, then A7 + A8=______ .
The answer is: a = 40 + 135, a = 40 + 60, a = 40 + 135
It's faster to find a number minus two and seven fifths plus three and 44 fifths equals one and seven fifths
Let this number be X
Then x - (2 + 5 / 7) + (3 + 1 / 44) = 1 + 2 / 7
The solution is x = 43 / 44
That's 43 out of 44
Simple operation of mathematics in grade 4 of primary school 100 + 99-98 + 97 + 96 +... + 3 + 2-1
The first floor is wrong. It should be
(97+2)+(96+3)+…… (45 + 44) + 100 + 99-98-1 because there are 43 from 2 to 44
One hundred and forty-eight
In the proportional sequence, a1 + A2 = 3, A2 + a3 = 6, a7 = how much,
So (A2 + a3) / (a1 + A2) = q = 6 / 3 = 2
So A7 = A1 * q ^ 6 = 64
Mathematics x love mathematics = I love mathematics (each Chinese character represents a different number, such as: Mathematics and mathematics equal) to the method!
Because only 5x5 is equal to itself, so the learning word is 5. The last two digits of 25x25 are equal to 25, so the number means 2. Similarly, love means 1. So mathematics x love mathematics = I love mathematics means 25x125 = 3125