What is the derivative of the function f (x) = Xe ^ (- x)?

What is the derivative of the function f (x) = Xe ^ (- x)?

What is the relationship between the greatest common factor and the least common multiple of two numbers?
Multiple relation
The solution of the least common multiple is the product of all prime factors decomposed by two numbers, and the greatest common divisor is only the product of some of the same prime factors
One is the total product and the other is the partial product, so the least common multiple is x times of the greatest common factor
Derivative of F (x) = x / 2x + 1
30 and 42. The greatest common factor and the least common multiple of these two numbers are
The greatest common factor is 6 and the least common multiple is 210
The derivative of F (x) is f '(x), and x ^ 2F' (x) - (2x-1) f (x) = 1
Solution: sort out the original formula y '= [(2x-1) / (x ^ 2)] y + 1 / (x ^ 2), that is, dy / DX = [(2x-1) / (x ^ 2)] y ∧ y = C (x ^ 2) e ^ (1 / x), the constant variable C = C (x) is substituted, C' = e ^ (- 1 / x) / x ^ 4C = (1 / x ^ 2 + 2 / x + 2) e ^ (- 1 / x) + C ∧ y = 1 + 2x + 2 * x ^ 2 + C (x ^ 2) e ^ (1 / x) obviously f (0) = 0 ∧ y = 1 + 2x + 2 * x ^ 2
The greatest common factor of two numbers is 30, and their least common multiple is 180. What are these two numbers
Title, such as
A: the two numbers are 30 and 180
It's very simple
Don't even think about it
Derivative of F (x) = (2x + b) / (x-1) (x-1)
f '(x)=[2*(x-1)^2 -(2x+b)*2(x-1)] / (x-1)^4
Lingyun's answer is OK
If we take a derivative of X, the final result is = - (x + 2 + 2b) / (x-1) ^ 3
Given that a = 2 × 3 × 5 × a, B = 2 × 3 × 7 × a, the greatest common factor of a and B is 30, find the least common multiple of a and B
Because a = 2 × 3 × 5 × a, B = 2 × 3 × 7 × a, the greatest common factor of a and B is 2 × 3 × a = 30, a = 5, so the least common multiple of a and B is 2 × 3 × 5 × 5 × 7 = 1050
F (x) = (2x + 1) ^ 50 (x-3) ^ 20 (3x + 2) ^ 30 to find the 100th derivative of F (x)
Because f (x) is 100,
So the 100th derivative of F (x) is 100! Times the coefficient before the 100th power of F (x)
2 ^ 50 * 3 ^ 30 * 100!
What is prime? What is composite? What is greatest common multiple? Greatest common divisor?
Prime number is to remove itself and 1 can not be divided by other numbers
Composite numbers are the opposite of prime numbers
Greatest common multiple? You have the wrong number
Least common multiple!
It's the number itself
The greatest common divisor is the number itself
Prime: a factor has only one and its own number
Composite number: in addition to 1 and itself, there are other factors
Is the least common multiple, not the greatest common multiple, the least common multiple: the smallest of several common multiples
Greatest common divisor: the greatest of the factors shared by several numbers
It's simple
Prime numbers are numbers with only two factors
A composite number is a number with at least three factors
Greatest common multiple: no! If you have to have it, it's infinite
Because it should be the least common multiple!: it refers to the least common multiple in a column of data
The greatest common divisor refers to the largest common factor in a column of data
A number has only one and two divisors of itself
A number has other divisors besides 1 and itself
Several common divisors, the largest of which is called the greatest common divisor
The least common multiple of several numbers is called the least common multiple
Prime number: in all integers larger than 1, except 1 and itself, there is no other divisor. This kind of integer is called prime number, and prime number is also called prime number.
Sum: the product of two integers greater than 1
Having a factor greater than 1 but less than itself;
Have at least three factors;
It's not 1 and it's not prime
Is the least common multiple, not the greatest common multiple, the least common multiple: the common multiple of several numbers is called the common multiple of these numbers, and the smallest one is called the least common multiple of these numbers.
Expand the Convention
Prime number: in all integers larger than 1, except 1 and itself, there is no other divisor. This kind of integer is called prime number, and prime number is also called prime number.
Sum: the product of two integers greater than 1
Having a factor greater than 1 but less than itself;
Have at least three factors;
It's not 1 and it's not prime
The least common multiple is called the least common multiple, which is not the least common multiple.
Greatest common divisor: it refers to the largest common factor among several integers. For example, the common divisor of 12 and 30 are: 1, 2, 3, 6, where 6 is the greatest common divisor of 12 and 30. Put it away