If the derivative of function f (x) is f '(x) and f (x) = 3x2 + 2x * f' (2), then f '(5) =? Why isn't f'x = 6 + 2 * f'x when FX is derived?

If the derivative of function f (x) is f '(x) and f (x) = 3x2 + 2x * f' (2), then f '(5) =? Why isn't f'x = 6 + 2 * f'x when FX is derived?

If y = f (x) is derived, f '(x) = 6x + 2F' (x). If x = 2 is taken into account, f '(2) = 12 + 2F' (2), f '(2) = - 12. Then f' (5) = 30-24 = 6
Note that in the title, f '(2) is a fixed value
Two numbers that become coprime numbers () A. only common divisor 1 B. are prime numbers c. a prime number, a composite number
There are 10 bus stops on the bus line from the terminal to the station. A bus runs from the starting station to the terminal station. There are 9 passengers coming up at the starting station, 1 passenger coming down at the next station and 8 passengers coming up. After that, the number of passengers going down at each station is 1 more than that at the previous station, and the number of passengers coming up is 1 less than that at the previous station
I'll give a score to anyone who answers this question,
A is 1
26 seats!
The main building is what you say!
Finding the derivative of F (x) = 3-2x
Coprime numbers composed of two composite numbers are () and (), and coprime numbers composed of two prime numbers are () and ()
Coprime numbers composed of two composite numbers are (8) and (9), and coprime numbers composed of two prime numbers are (2) and (3)
A lot, 8, 9, 2, 3
15,22 17,97....................
How to find the derivative of F (x) = ln (2x + 3)?
Derivative: F (x) ′ = 2 / (2x + 3)
First of all, we should seek the derivative from the outside, then from the inside
According to y = f [g (x)], y '= f' [g (x)] & ᦇ 8226; G '(x)
Let 2x + 3 = g (x)
Then f '(x) = 1 / (2x + 3) * 2 = 2 / (2x + 3)
In the derivation of 2 / (2x + 3) composite function, we first take 2x + 3 as a whole and then multiply it by the derivative of 2x + 3
Prime number, composite number and coprime number?
Among the ten numbers from 1 to 10, () and () are both composite numbers and coprime numbers; () and () are both odd numbers and coprime numbers; () and () are both prime numbers and composite numbers, and they are also coprime numbers
Among the ten numbers between 1 and 10, (4) and (9) are both composite numbers and coprime numbers; (5) and (7) are both odd numbers and coprime numbers; (5) and (6) are both prime numbers and composite numbers, and they are also coprime numbers
Among the ten numbers from 1 to 10, (4) and (9) are both composite numbers and coprime numbers; (5) and (7) are both odd numbers and coprime numbers; (4) and (5) are both prime numbers and composite numbers, and they are also coprime numbers
There are many ways to fill in, but here is only one of them
3, 4; 4, 5; 5, 6; 6, 7; 7, 8; 4, 7
Among the ten numbers from 1 to 10, (4) and (9) are both composite numbers and coprime numbers; (5) and (7) are both odd numbers and coprime numbers; (4) and (5) are both prime numbers and composite numbers, and they are also coprime numbers
There are many ways to fill in, but here is only one of them
3, 4; 4, 5; 5, 6; 6, 7; 7, 8; 4, 7; fold up
3. 5, 7 (3 and 5, 3 and 7, 5 and 7)
Derivative of function f (x) = - 2X-4
Coprime numbers with two prime numbers are () and (); coprime numbers with two composite numbers are () and ();
One is prime number, the other is coprime number of composite number. There are () and ()
Coprime numbers with two numbers being prime are (2) and (3); coprime numbers with two numbers being composite are (8) and (9); coprime numbers with one number being prime and the other being composite are (7) and (6)
The coprime numbers of which both are prime numbers are (2) and (3);
The two coprime numbers are (4) and (9);
Coprime numbers with two prime numbers are (7) and (11); coprime numbers with two composite numbers are (34) and (35);
F (x) = x / (2x + 1)
What are the meanings of factors, multiples, prime numbers and composite numbers
Factor and multiple: if the product of natural number a and natural number B is C, that is, a * b = C, then a and B are all factors of C, and C is the multiple of a and B
Prime: if a number has only one and two factors, such a number is called prime. Prime is also called prime
Composite number: a number with other factors besides 1 and itself. Such a number is called composite number