Calculating the derivative I (x) of the function y = xsinx Finding the derivative y (x) of function y = xsinx

Calculating the derivative I (x) of the function y = xsinx Finding the derivative y (x) of function y = xsinx

The derivative of the product of two quantities: leading followed by non leading + leading followed by non leading
The numbers within 20 are prime numbers and even numbers, and the numbers within 20 are odd numbers and combined numbers
The numbers within 20 are prime numbers and even numbers (2), odd numbers and composite numbers (9, 15)
What is the derivative of √ (x ^ 3 + 3x-5) when x = 2?
y = √(x^3+3x-5) = (x^3+3x-5)^(1/2)
y ' = (1/2) (x^3+3x-5)^(-1/2) *(3x^2 + 3)
= (3/2)(x^3+3x-5)^(-1/2)(x^2 + 1)
x = 2,y' = (3/2)(2^3+3*2-5)^(-1/2)(2^2 + 1)
= (3/2)(8 + 6 -5)^(-1/2) *5
= (15/2)*9^(-1/2)
= (15/2)(1/3)
= 5/2
What is the derivative of F (x) = √ (x ^ 3 + 3x-5) when x = 2?
Odd prime numbers and even numbers within 1-20-
Odd 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19
Even numbers, 2,4,18,16,8
Prime 2,3,5,7,11,12,17,19
Total 4,6,8,9,10,12,14,15,16,18,20
1 is neither prime nor composite
F (x) = 2x ^ 3 + 3x ^ 2-12x + 14, find the second derivative F "(x)
F 'two 12x one 6
The derivative of the function is y '= 6x ^ 2 + 6x-12
One more time, y '' = 12x + 6
Please accept
The number that is odd and composite within 10 is (), and the number that is even and prime is ()
The number of odd and composite numbers within 10 is (9), and the number of even and prime numbers is (2)
Within 10, the number that is odd and composite is (9), and the number that is even and prime is (2).
The first nine, the second two
The number that is odd and combined within 10 is 9
The number that is both even and prime is 2
The number that is odd and composite is (9), and the number that is even and prime is (2).
9 2
Find the derivative of y = ∫ [0, radical x] cos (T & # 178; + 1) DT
I'm a beginner of calculus
The solution y = ∫ (0, √ x) cos (T ^ 2 + 1) DT
What is division? What is odd? Even? Composite? Prime? Decomposition prime
Odd numbers are numbers that cannot be divisible by 2, such as 1,3,5; even numbers are numbers that can be divisible by 2, such as 2,4,6. Composite numbers are numbers that have other factors besides 1 and itself, such as 4,6,9,15. Prime numbers are numbers that have no other factors except 1 and itself, such as 3,5,7,11. Decomposing prime factors is the product of decomposing a number into several prime numbers
An integer division should be an integer divided by an integer
Odd number 1. 3 5 15 27…… The number of digits is singular
Even number 24 6 88 44 The number of digits is even
Find the second derivative of y = cos (x + radical x)
Y is a composite function
Let F + = x
Substituting into the given function, y = cos [f (x)]
Analysis: first get the first order, then get the second order.
First order: [cos (x root x)] '
=– sin (x radical x) · (x radical x) "
A = – sin (x radical x) · [1 1 / (2 radical x)]
Second order:
It's the derivative of A
- cos (x radical x) · [1 1 / (2 radical x)] ^ 2 sin (x radical x) · (1 / 2) · x to the third power of minus two.
Y = cos (x + radical x)
y'=-sin(x+√x) ×【1+1/2√x】
y‘’=-cos(x+√x) ×【1+1/2√x】²-sin(x+√x) ×【1+1/2√x】'
=-cos(x+√x) ×【1+1/2√x】²-sin(x+√x)×【-1/4 x^(-3/2)】
Simplify yourself.
What are prime numbers, composite numbers, even numbers, odd numbers, natural numbers, integers
Integers: such as - 2, - 1,0,1,2,3,4 The number represented
Natural numbers: that is, the numbers 0,1,2,3,4 The number represented
Odd: a natural number that is not divisible by two
Even number: a natural number divisible by two
Prime: a natural number that can only be divided by itself and 1, such as 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, etc
Composite number: the number without prime number in natural number, such as 4, 6, 8, 9, etc
Prime. That is, in all integers larger than 1, there are no other factors except 1 and itself. This kind of integer is called prime. It can also be said that a prime number has only one and two divisors of itself. The smallest prime number is 2
In addition to 1 and itself, there are other divisors called composite numbers. The smallest composite number is 4
An even number that can be divided by two
Odd, an integer that cannot be completely divided by two
A natural number, an integer greater than or equal to zero
Integers are the set of natural numbers and negative natural numbers
In the past, 0 was not a natural number, but later it was
Prime. That is, in all integers larger than 1, there are no other factors except 1 and itself. This kind of integer is called prime. It can also be said that a prime number has only one and two divisors of itself. The smallest prime number is 2
In addition to 1 and itself, there are other divisors called composite numbers. The smallest composite number is 4
An even number that can be divided by two
Odd, an integer that cannot be completely divided by two
A natural number, an integer greater than or equal to zero
Integers are the set of natural numbers and negative natural numbers
In the past, 0 was not a natural number, but later it was put away
Only one or two factors are called prime numbers, and more than two factors are called composite numbers. The ones with 02468 are called even numbers, odd numbers, integer natural numbers that cannot be completely divided by two, and integers greater than or equal to zero
Prime number is its divisor, only 1 and itself. For example, the divisor of 3 is only 1, 3
The composite number is his divisor, not only 1 but also himself. For example, the divisor of 4 has 1, 4 and 2
Natural number refers to the number that can be used to represent the number of objects, so it must be a positive integer plus 0
Even numbers are even numbers in natural numbers, such as 2, 4, 6, 8, etc....
An odd number in a natural number, such as 1, 3, 5, 7...
Integers are divided into positive integers, including negative integers, and also including 0. They add negative numbers on the basis of natural numbers. ... unfold
Prime number is its divisor, only 1 and itself. For example, the divisor of 3 is only 1, 3
The composite number is his divisor, not only 1 but also himself. For example, the divisor of 4 has 1, 4 and 2
Natural number refers to the number that can be used to represent the number of objects, so it must be a positive integer plus 0
Even numbers are even numbers in natural numbers, such as 2, 4, 6, 8, etc....
An odd number in a natural number, such as 1, 3, 5, 7...
Integers are divided into positive integers, including negative integers, and also including 0. They add negative numbers on the basis of natural numbers. Put it away