Derivative of F (x) = 2x

Derivative of F (x) = 2x

What is the meaning of factor multiple
Multiple, factor (divisor): an integer can be divided by another integer, this number is called the multiple of another number, another number is its factor or divisor. For example: 2 and 18, 6 is the factor (divisor) of 18, 18 is the multiple of 6
The derivative of F (x) - 2x = f (x) finding FX needs a process
Integral on both sides: F (x) e ^ (- x) = ∫ 2xe ^ (- x) DX
So f (x) = - 2x-2 + CE ^ X
What is the meaning of factor and multiple?
Be as short as possible
What is the meaning of factor, multiple, prime number and composite number? Prime number, composite prime number is also called prime number. The number of prime numbers is infinite. Composite number: the divisor of a number has other divisors besides 1 and itself, and the number is infinite
F (x) = ln (1 + x) - [2x / (x + 2)] what is the derivative f '(x) of F (x)
f ’(x)=1/(x+1)-[2(x+2)-2x]/(x+2)²
But I didn't write the result in time!
f(x) = ln(1 + x) - 2x/(x + 2)
f'(x) = 1/(1 + x) - 2[(x + 2)(x') - x(x + 2)']/(x + 2)²
= 1/(1 + x) - 2[(x + 2) - x]/(x + 2)²
= 1/(1 + x) - [2(x + 2) - 2x]/(x + 2)²
Derivative quotient rule:
(u/v)' = (vu' - uv')/v²
You're too careless. Go back to the book. The fractional derivative part. The answer is right. Let's not talk about logarithms.
The formula of compound function
What are natural number, prime number, prime factor, divisor, factor and composite number?
Natural number: the number used to measure the number of things or to indicate the order of things Prime number: in all integers larger than 1, there is no other divisor except 1 and itself. This kind of integer is called prime number or prime number. Prime factor; each composite number can be written in the form of multiplication of several prime numbers, Divisor: if an integer can be divided by another integer, then the second integer is the divisor of the first integer. Divisor is finite, usually the greatest common divisor. Divisor; if an integer can be divided by another integer, then the second integer is the divisor of the first integer, The latter is the factor of the former. Composite: composite is a positive integer which can be divided by other positive integers except 1 and itself. Even numbers except 2 are composite
Find the derivative of y = f (e ^ x) * e ^ (f (x))
Y '= [f (e ^ x)]' * e ^ (f (x)) + F (e ^ x) * [e ^ (f (x))] '[f (e ^ x)]' = f '(e ^ x) * (e ^ x)' = f '(e ^ x) * e ^ x [e ^ (f (x))]' = e ^ (f (x)) * [f (x)] '= e ^ (f (x)) * f' (x) so y '= f' (e ^ x) * e ^ x * e ^ (f (x)) + F (e ^ x) * e ^ (f (x)) * f '(x)
For e ^ (x + F [x]) * f '[e ^ x] + e ^ f [x] * f [e ^ x] * f' [x]
Using the derivative formula of product and compound function
Please be patient and come out
Because the derivative of y = u * V is y '= u'v + UV' (f (U (x))) '= f' (U (x)) * u '(x),
So here y '= f' (e ^ x) * e ^ x * e ^ (f (x)) + F (e ^ x) * e ^ (f (x)) * f '(x)
The sum of all prime numbers within 10 is______ Is a prime and even number______ .
All prime numbers within 10 are: 2, 3, 5, 7; sum is 2 + 3 + 5 + 7 = 17, where 2 is both prime and even; so the answer is: 17, 2
Derivative of F (x) = e ^ x-x-1
What is the multiplication of several prime factors
How many prime factors are multiplied
2. Sum up