What does Syms mean in MATLAB?

What does Syms mean in MATLAB?

Define a symbolic variable:
syms x
Define a symbolic variable x
Some symbol operations can be done later, such as:
Diff (P, x)% P differentiates x
Prove the determinant of Vandermonde matrix with MATLAB symbol toolbox
clear all;n = 5;% for i=1:n% for j=1:n% x(i,j) = sym(['x',num2str(i),'_ ',num2str(j)]);% end% endfor i=1:nx(i) = sym(['x',num2str(i)]);endfor i=1:ny(i,:) = x.^(i-1);endfactor(det(y))
How to find the determinant of matrix
The determinant of a matrix must be a square matrix, which can be simplified by using the row column property of the determinant
Or you can do it with MATLAB, using the det function
Matrix determinant, the matrix must first be a square matrix, and then according to the determinant properties to solve
All the mathematical formulas for volume and area
Circle surface area, sphere volume, cylinder surface area, cylinder volume, cone surface area, cone volume, rectangle area, cuboid volume, cuboid surface area, etc
Plane figure:
Rectangle s = AB area = length * width
Square s = AA area = side length * side length
Parallelogram s = ah area = bottom * height
Triangle s = ah / 2 area = bottom * height / 2
Trapezoid s = (a + b) H / 2 area = (upper bottom + lower bottom) * height / 2
Stereo graphics:
Cuboid v = ABH volume = length * width * height
S = (AB + ah + BH) * 2 surface area = (L * W + L * H + W * h) * 2
Cube v = AAA volume = edge length * edge length * edge length
S = 6Aa surface area = edge length * edge length * 6
Circular surface area
S = 4 * pi * (R ^ 2) s surface area PI circumference r circle diameter ^ 2 square
V = 4 / 3 * pi * (R ^ 3) V volume PI circumference r circle diameter ^ 3 cubic
The formula of sphere volume: v = 4 π R & sup3 / 3
Surface area of cylinder
Surface area = side area + 2 bottom areas
Side area = bottom perimeter * height = 3.14 * diameter * height = 3.14 * radius * 2 * height
Bottom area = 3.14 * radius * radius
Volume = bottom area * height
Volume of cylinder = pie (3.14159265358979) × square of bottom radius × height of cylinder
The radius of the bottom of the cylinder is r, and the height is h
Volume of cylinder = circumference × square of radius × height
Or cylinder volume = bottom area × height
Letter formula:
Surface area of cylinder = area of the second base + area of the side
Letter formula:
S table = 2S bottom + s side = Pi × square of radius × 2 + 2 × PI × R × H
Surface area of cone: circumference × R × generatrix + the square of circumference × R
Cone volume: 1 / 3 × circumference × r square × cone height
Let's take my advice!
Find the positive integer solution of inequality 2 / 4 minus 3x minus 4 / x minus 5 greater than 6 / 4 minus 4x plus 1 / 3 plus 2 / 3
Take 12 on both sides
If the image of a linear function y = KX + B passes through points (- 1, - 3) and the distance from the intersection of x-axis and y-axis to the origin is equal, then its analytical expression cannot be ()
A. y=x-2B. y=-3x-6C. y=3xD. y=-x-4
According to the meaning of the question: ① if the value of K is 1 or - 1, substituting (- 1, - 3) into option A: y = - 3, X-2 = - 3, which is in line with the meaning of the question; substituting (- 1, - 3) into option D: y = - 3, - x-4 = - 3, which is in line with the meaning of the question; substituting (- 1, - 3) into option B: y = - 3, 3x = - 3, which is in line with the meaning of the question; ② K ≠± 1, B = 0
For set M, N, define M-N = {x | x ∈ m, and X does not belong to n}, m △ n = (m-n) ∪ (n-m), let a = {x | x is greater than or equal to - 9 / 4}, B = {x | X
From M-N = {x | x ∈ m, and X does not belong to n}, A-B = {x | x 〉 = 0},
A-B = [0, + infinity), B-A = (- infinity, - 9 / 4]
Why B-A = (- infinity, - 9 / 4]
Combining the similar terms, (1) the second power of x plus 2 XY plus 3 minus 2XY minus 6 (AX plus the second power of 3A plus the second power of x-3ax-4-5a plus the second power of 2x-6)
(3) - 1 / 2x squared Y-2 / 3x cubic + 5-4 / 3x cubic - 7 + 2x squared y
(4) 0.2x square-0.3x + 0.5-0.1x square + 0.7x-0.11
(1) The second power of x plus 2, XY plus 3 minus 2XY minus 6
(2) Ax plus 3A plus x-3ax-4-5a-2x-6
(3) - 1 / 2x squared Y-2 / 3x cubic + 5-4 / 3x cubic - 7 + 2x squared y
(4) 0.2x square-0.3x + 0.5-0.1x square + 0.7x-0.11
(1) The original formula = the square of x-3
(2) The original formula = - 2ax-10 of the square of - 2A - x
(3) The square of the original formula = 3 / 2x, the third power of y-2x-2
(4) Original formula = square of 0.1X + 0.4x + 0.39
How to calculate the volume of cuboid and cube in the fifth grade mathematics volume II? What's the formula?
Rectangular volume: length * width * height or (length thickness) * (width thickness) * (height thickness) (this is not commonly used)
Square volume: side length * side length * side length or (side length thickness) * (side length thickness) * (side length thickness) (this is also not commonly used)
Generally speaking, the topic does not say to consider the thickness, the thickness does not need to reduce
Cubage: length by width by height
Square volume: side length multiplied by side length multiplied by side length
(this is calculated when there is no thickness)
Cuboid volume: length * width * height
Cube volume: side length * side length * side length
The volume usually calculated in the fifth grade of primary school is regarded as the volume! Regardless of thickness.
Cuboid volume = length * width * height
Cube volume = edge length * edge length * edge length
It is known that the equations 4x-y = 5 ax + by = - 1 and 3x + y = 9 3ax-4by = 18 about X and y have common solutions, and the values of a and B are obtained
Because the equation has a common solution, so
I hope you can understand it. I wish you progress in your study