As shown in FIG. 11, AB is the diameter of circle O, passing through point o as parallel line of chord BC, tangent AP crossing point a, connecting point P and connecting AC. (1) verification: △ ABC ~ △ Poa (2) OB = 2, Op = 7 / 2, find the length of BC

As shown in FIG. 11, AB is the diameter of circle O, passing through point o as parallel line of chord BC, tangent AP crossing point a, connecting point P and connecting AC. (1) verification: △ ABC ~ △ Poa (2) OB = 2, Op = 7 / 2, find the length of BC

∵ AB is the diameter of circle o
∵ AP is the tangent of circle o

It is known that the chord ab of circle O is perpendicular to the diameter CD, the perpendicular foot is f, and the point E is on AB, and EA = EC. It is proved that the square of AC = AE times ab 2: Extend EC to point P and connect Pb. If Pb = PE, judge the position relationship between Pb and circle O, and explain the reason

Because the chord AB is vertical diameter CD, so AC = CB, so the angle cab = angle CBA because EA = EC, so the angle EAC = angle ace, so the isosceles triangle ace is similar to the isosceles triangle type ABC, so AC: EC = AB: AC = AC = EC * AB because EA = EC, AC = EA * AB, so the angle cob = 2 times angle CAE because of isosceles triangle type

It is known that the chord ab of circle O is perpendicular to the diameter CD, the perpendicular foot is f, and the point E is on AB, and EA = EC. Extend EC to point P and connect PB to make Pb = PE. Is ac2 = AE * AB

It is known that EA = EC, we can get: ∠ ace = ∠ CAE
If CD is the vertical bisector of AB, AC = BC, then: ∠ BAC = ∠ ABC
In △ ace and △ ABC, ∠ ace = ∠ CAE = ∠ BAC = ∠ ABC,
So, △ ace ∽ ABC,
AC / AB = AE / AC;
That is: AC ^ 2 = AE × ab

The diameter of ⊙ o middle chord ab ⊥ CD is known. The perpendicular foot is point F and the point E is on ab. EA = EC. Verification: AC * AC = AE * ab Extend EC to P and connect Pb. Let Pb = PE. Judging the position relationship between Pb and circle

Because of the chord ab ⊥ diameter CD, so CD is vertically bisected AB, AC = BC ﹣ a = ∠ B, and because EA = EC, so ∠ a = ∠ ace, so, △ ABC ~ △ ace, AC / AB = AE / ACAC * AC = AE * ab

The chord AB is perpendicular to the diameter of circle O CD on F, E on AB and EA = EC. Extend EC to point P so that Pb = PE. Is Pb tangent to circle O?

Answer: Pb is the tangent connection of the circle O, ob, ∵ EC = EA, ? EC = EA, ? EAC, ? EAC, ? EAC, ? EAC, ? EAC, ? EAC, ? Pb = 2 ? EAC, ? EC = EA, ? EAC, ? EAC, 57575757575757575757eeec = EA, EEEC = EA, ? EAC,. Ob ⊥

In circle O, AB is the diameter of circle O, CD is the chord, points E and F are on AB, EC is vertical CD FD vertical CD Confirmation: AE = BF

You just draw a diameter across the center of the CD, G, and o
Then make the vertical lines EH and FL from point E and F to this diameter
We can get rectangular cghe and rectangular gdfl, which leads to eh = fl
The triangle EHO and Flo are similar triangles, and eh = fl
So OE = of, then AE = BF

As shown in the figure, the diameter ab of ⊙ o is perpendicular to the chord CD, the perpendicular foot P is the midpoint of ob, CD = 6cm, and find the length of diameter ab

Connect OC, as shown in the figure,
∵ AB is perpendicular to the chord CD,
CD = 6 cm,
And ∵ P is the midpoint of ob,
3 OP, then op=
So the length of diameter AB is 4

Given that the diameter of circle O is 50cm, the two parallel chords of circle O, ab = 40cm and CD = 48CM, calculate the distance between chord AB and string CD

According to the deduction of the vertical diameter theorem, AE = be = 1 / 2 ab = 20cm CF = DF = 1 / 2 CD = 24cm then OE = 15cm in RT △ OFC = 7cm (1) AB, Cd on the same side of the circle center

As shown in the figure, AB is the diameter of circle O, AB is perpendicular to chord CD at point P, and P is the midpoint of radius ob, CD = 6cm, then the diameter of circle O is


As shown in the figure, AB is the diameter of ⊙ and the chord CD is vertically bisected ob, then ∠ BDC = () A. 15° B. 20° C. 30° D. 45°

Connect OC, BC
∵ chord CD vertical bisection ob
The △ OCB is an equilateral triangle
Therefore, C