When the radius of a circle is several centimeters, its circumference and area are equal

When the radius of a circle is several centimeters, its circumference and area are equal

2 cm, the square of 2 is equal to the value of diameter 4

The diameter of a circle is 8 cm. Its radius is () and its circumference is () and its area is ()

The diameter of a circle is 8 cm, its radius is (4 cm), its circumference is (25.12 cm), and its area is (50.24 cm 2)
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Find the circumference and area of a circle whose diameter is 10 cm

The circumference of this circle: 3.14 × 10 = 31.4 (CM)
The area of this circle: 3.14 × (10  ̄ 2) 2 = 78.5 (cm2)

The diameter of a circle is 16 cm. Find its circumference and area

It's OK to use the formula. The square of the radius is = area 2 * pi * radius = perimeter. The rest should not be me

The diameter of a circle is 12 cm. Find the circumference and area The formula and the answer

Perimeter: 12 × 3.14 = 37.68cm
Area: 6 × 6 × 3.14 = 113.04 square centimeter

The diameter of a circle is 4cm. What is the circumference and area?

Circumference C = π d = 3.14 * 4 = 12.56 (CM)
Area: S = π R 2 = 3.14 * (4 / 2) 2 = 12.56 (square centimeter)

The diameter of a circle is 2cm. How to find the circumference and area

The radius is one centimeter
Perimeter = 2 * 3.14 * 1 = 6.28
Area = 3.14 * 1 ^ 2 = 3.14

How to calculate the perimeter and area of a regular n-polygon inscribed in a circle Given that the radius of a circle is r, find the perimeter and area of the inscribed regular n-polygon of the circle Please use the knowledge of junior high school.

In this way, the top angle of each triangle is 2 π / N, the waist length is r, and the side length of the regular polygon is X. the vertical line on the bottom edge of the isosceles triangle is made through the center of the circle

The radius of a circle is enlarged by a times, the diameter by several times, the perimeter by several times, and the area by many times

The radius, diameter, circumference and area of a circle are increased by a-times, a-times, a-times, a-times, a-times, respectively

The radius of a circle should be enlarged by three times, the circumference by several times, and the area by several times