It is known that: as shown in the figure, take the oblique edge ab of RT △ ABC as the diameter to make ⊙ o, and D is the point on ⊙ o, and there is AC = CD. Pass through point C to make the tangent of ⊙ o, and connect CD with the extension line of BD at point E (1) Try to judge whether be and CE are perpendicular to each other, please explain the reason; (2) If CD = 2 5,tan∠DCE=1 2. Find the radius length of ⊙ o

It is known that: as shown in the figure, take the oblique edge ab of RT △ ABC as the diameter to make ⊙ o, and D is the point on ⊙ o, and there is AC = CD. Pass through point C to make the tangent of ⊙ o, and connect CD with the extension line of BD at point E (1) Try to judge whether be and CE are perpendicular to each other, please explain the reason; (2) If CD = 2 5,tan∠DCE=1 2. Find the radius length of ⊙ o

(1) ∵ AB is the diameter
∵ CE is the tangent of ⊙ o,
(2) ∵ CE is tangent, AC = CD,
The radius of ⊙ o is equal to 5

In ⊙ o, AC= CE. (1) As shown in Figure 1, Co ⊥ AE was confirmed; (2) As shown in Fig. 2, the diameter of CD ⊥ AB is D, if BD = 1, AE = 4, find the radius of ⊙ o

(1) It is proved that: extending co intersection AE at point D, ∵ AC = CE, CD passing through the center, ∵ Co ⊥ AE; (2) let the radius of ⊙ o be r, connect CO and extend the intersection of CO with point F, ∵ AC = CE, CF over the center, AE = 4,  of ⊥ AE, ? AF = 12 × 4 = 2, ∵ CD ⊥ AB, ∵ AOF = ≁ cod, ? in ⊥ oaf and ⊥ OCD, ?

As shown in the figure, AB is the diameter of circle O, inferior arc BC arc = be arc, BD / / CE, connect AE and extend the intersection BD at point D. verify that the square of AB = AC times ad

It is proved that: (1) ∵ inferior arc BC arc = be arc,
Inferior arc AC = inferior arc AE, AC = AE
⊙ BD is the tangent line of ⊙ o
(2) Connect CB
∵ AB is the diameter of ⊙ o, ᙽ ACB = 90 °

Known: as shown in the figure, AB is the diameter of ⊙ o, points c and D are on ⊙ o, CE ⊥ AB is on e, DF ⊥ AB is on F, and AE = BF, is AC equal to BD? Why?

AC is equal to BD
The reasons are as follows:
Connect OC and OD, as shown in the figure,
In RT △ OEC and RT △ ofd,
/ / AC arc = BD arc,

As shown in the figure, A.B.C is three points of circle O, arc AC = arc BC, point m is a point on BC, CE ⊥ am, AE = 5, M = 3, find BM

Connect cm, intercept AF = BM on AE, and connect cm
AE = EM + BM

As shown in the figure, AB is the diameter of circle O, point C is the midpoint of arc AB, chord CE intersects AB at point F, D is a point on the extension line of ab, If of = 1, OA = 3, calculate the area of △ ace

connect OC.AB Let BD = x, then de = DF = 2 + X. De is the tangent line of the circle, then: de = BD * ad, (2 + x) mm2 = x (x + 6), x = 2. That is, BD = 2, de = 4. Connect OE, OE ⊥ De to make eh ⊥ od in H. from the area relationship, we can know that de * OE = od * eh

It is known that AB and CD are the two diameters of a circle. The chord CE is parallel to ab. the degree of arc CE is 40 degrees. Find the degree of ∠ BOD. (proof process) fast!

∵ the degree of the arc CE is 40 degrees
That is, COE = 40
AB / / CE
∵ AOC and  BOD are antiparietal angles
Floor length, I'm a word by word, give bonus points^-^

As shown in the figure, AB and CD are the diameters of circle O, the chord CE is parallel to AB, ∠ BOD = 110 ° and the degree of arc CE is calculated?

If OE is connected, OE = OC, so ∠ OEC = ∠ OCE
Because ∠ BOD = 110 °, so ∠ BOC = 70 °
CE parallel ab
In triangle Oce
That is, the degree of arc CE is 40 degrees

As shown in the figure, the extension lines of the two chords Ba and CE of circle O intersect a point D outside the circle, and the connecting do intersects the Circle F, and the arc EF = arc FA. It is proved that EC = ab

Proof: connect OA and OE, make op ⊥ AB to P, OQ ⊥ CE to Q
Arc EF = arc AF, so ∠ AOF = ∠ EOF
In △ AOD and △ EOD
So △ AOD ≌ △ EOD. ∠ ADO = ∠ Edo
In RT △ OPD and RT △ OQD,
So RT △ OPD ≌ RT △ OQD (HL). OP = OQ
In the same circle, the distance from the center O to the two strings AB and CE is equal
So AB = CE

Given that AB and CD are the two diameters of circle O, the chord CE is parallel to AB, and the degree of arc CE is 40 °, then ∠ BOD =?

Should be 70 or 110 degrees! Because a, B two points can be interchanged!