It is known that, as shown in the following four graphs, circle O1 and circle O2 intersect at two points a and B, the line CD passing through point a intersects with circle O1 at C, intersects with circle O2 at D, and straight line ef? 2 passing through point B As shown in the following figure, circle O1 and circle O2 intersect at two points a and B, the line CD passing through point a intersects with circle O1 at C, and with circle O2 at D. the line EF passing through point B intersects with circle O1 at e and circle 02 at F, so as to verify CE ∥ DF Picture in space photo album

It is known that, as shown in the following four graphs, circle O1 and circle O2 intersect at two points a and B, the line CD passing through point a intersects with circle O1 at C, intersects with circle O2 at D, and straight line ef? 2 passing through point B As shown in the following figure, circle O1 and circle O2 intersect at two points a and B, the line CD passing through point a intersects with circle O1 at C, and with circle O2 at D. the line EF passing through point B intersects with circle O1 at e and circle 02 at F, so as to verify CE ∥ DF Picture in space photo album

No! Because circle O1 and circle O2 intersect at two points a and B, the line CD passing through point a intersects circle O1 at C, and circle O2 at D. the line EF passing through point B intersects circle O1 at e and circle 02 at F. therefore, CE \ \ DF is wrong

As shown in the figure, circle O2 intersects two points a and B, point O1 is on circle O2, the central line of two circles intersects circle O1 at points E and D, circle O2 at F, and ab at C. please refer to the figure Write the relationship between the two line segments


As shown in the figure, we know that AB is the diameter of circle O, make tangent line of circle O through point B, take any point C at tangent line and connect Co. if AD / / OC, prove that CD is tangent line of circle o

﹤ cob = ∠ Dao [equal position angle]
∠ cod = ∠ ODA
And ∵ ob = OD, OC = OC
∵ BC is tangent
/ / CD is the tangent of circle o

As shown in the figure, in circle O, AB is the diameter, BC and circle O are tangent to point B, connect Co, AD are parallel to OC and intersect circle O at point D. It is proved that CD is the tangent of circle o

Because AD / / OC, be / de = Bo / AO = 1, so e is the midpoint of BD. because the triangle BDO is an isosceles triangle, OC is perpendicular to BD. even if OC is the vertical center line of BD, CB = BD, so the triangle BCO is equal to DCO, so the angle CDO = CBO = 90 degrees, so CD is tangent

As shown in the figure, AB is the diameter of ⊙ o, BC ⊥ AB is at point B, OC is connected with ⊙ o at point E, DE= Verification: (1)AD∥OC; (2) CD is the tangent of ⊙ o

Proof: connect OD
2 ∠ DOB (the circle angle opposite to the same arc is half of the center angle of the circle to which it is opposite),
ν (COB = ∠),
∥ OC (the same position angle, two lines are parallel);
Ψ CBA = 90 °, i.e. ∠ CBO = 90 °
In △ doc and △ BOC,
Then △ doc ≌ △ BOC (SAS) is used,
⊙ CDO = ∠ CBO = 90 ° i.e., CD is tangent of ⊙ o

As shown in the figure, AB is the diameter of ⊙ o, the tangent BC of ⊙ o is made through point B, OC intersects ⊙ o at point E, and the extension line of AE intersects BC at point D (1) It was proved that CE2 = CD · CB; (2) If AB = BC = 2cm, find the length of CE and CD

It is proved that: (1) the connection of be ∵ B ∵ BC is ⊙ the tangent of ⊙ o ∵ B ∵ B ⊙ a ⊙ a ⊙ a ⊙ a ⊙ a ⊙ a ⊙ a ⊙ a ⊙ a ⊙ B ? B ? B ∵ B ∵ B ∵ B ? a ∵ B ᙽ a ⊙ a ⊙ a ⊙ a ⊙ a 9 a ⊙ a CBE ν CECB

AB is the diameter of circle O, BC is perpendicular to B, connected with OC, passing a is ad parallel OC, passing a is ad parallel OC, crossing circle O is D, proving that CD is tangent of circle o

To connect OD, you only need to verify OD ⊥ CD
Because of AD / / OC, ∠ Dao = ∠ cob, ∠ ADO = ∠ cod
Because OA = OD, ∠ Dao = ∠ ADO, then ∠ cob = ∠ cod
Because od = ob, OC is a common edge, then △ OCD and △ OBC are congruent, so ∠ ODC = ∠ OBC
Because BC is perpendicular to B, so ∠ OBC = 90 ° then ∠ ODC = 90 °, that is, OD ⊥ CD
Then CD is the tangent of circle o

AB is the diameter of circle O, D is the midpoint of arc BC, De is perpendicular to AC, AC extension line is at e, tangent BF of circle O intersects extension line of ad at F, if De is 3, radius of circle O is 5, find DF

Let d be the midpoint of the arc BC

As shown in the figure, AB is the diameter of ⊙ o, D is the midpoint of arc BC, the extension line of de ⊥ AC crossing AC is at e, the tangent of ⊙ o is the extension line of ad at F (1) It is proved that De is tangent of ⊙ o; (2) If de = 3, the radius of ⊙ o is 5

(1) It is proved that: connect OD, BC, where OD and BC intersect at point G, ∵ D is the midpoint of arc BC, ∵ AB is the diameter of ⊙ o,

As shown in the figure, AB is the diameter of ⊙ o, D is the midpoint of arc BC, the extension line of de ⊥ AC crossing AC is at e, the tangent of ⊙ o is the extension line of ad at F (1) It is proved that De is tangent of ⊙ o; (2) If de = 3, the radius of ⊙ o is 5

(1) It is proved that OD, BC are connected, and OD and BC intersect at point G,
∵ D is the midpoint of the arc BC,
ν od vertical bisection BC,
∵ AB is the diameter of ⊙ o,
∵ od is the radius of ⊙ o,
⊙ De is the tangent of ⊙ o
(2) According to (1), OD ⊥ BC, AC ⊥ BC, de ⊥ AC,
The quadrilateral decg is rectangular,
⊙ the radius of O is 5,
It is known from (1) that De is the tangent of ⊙ o,
ν de2 = EC · EA, i.e. 32 = (ea-8) ea,
AE = 9
∵ D is the midpoint of arc BC,
∵ BF cut ⊙ o in B,
And ∵ de ⊥ AC to E,