Seek some methods of character description (to be more specific)

Seek some methods of character description (to be more specific)

According to the object of description, character description can be divided into appearance description (portrait, clothes, air), language description, action description, psychological description and detail description. To write people, you can directly write hair and eyes to make them vivid, which is called direct description. You can also write people through indirect methods, such as introducing someone through a third party's report, According to the details of the description of the characters, the weight and the intensity of the ink, we can also summarize the description of the characters as white line drawing, caricature like outline, thick ink and heavy color detailed description and so on
I. plain drawing
The words are concise and simple, without exaggeration. They still describe the image of things without strong color description, metaphor, analogy or adjectives
"At that time, a thin and black gentleman came in, with eight character beard, glasses and a stack of books of all sizes." (Lu Xun's Mr. Fujino)
A few words activate the image of a scholar with simple life and rigorous scholarship
II. Caricature sketch
That is to say, with exaggeration and ridicule, the characters are depicted as grotesque and absurd images to express the thoughts and feelings of ridicule, hatred and sympathy
"If he looks down, he can't see the tip of his feet. The raised part in the middle will block his sight. His thin gray hair is neatly combed back, dipped in water, and there is no disorder. On his white face, there is no wrinkle, just like a steamed bun. Because of his fat, his nose and eyes are very small; because of his small size, he can't see a wrinkle, It seems to be particularly brilliant and spirited. "(Wang Runzi's selling crabs)
Through the description, the image of "filter" is created: old and fat, neat and elegant, wealthy and superior. The author's ridicule is permeated in the description
III. thick ink, heavy color and detailed description
That is to use vivid, vivid and vivid language to depict the characters in a multi-directional, multi-level and multi angle way
  “…… Sitting at the head of the south is a thin, fifty or so Chinese, wearing a long yellow toothed shirt, biting a cigarette holder in his mouth, and following the light of the fire, puffing up a puff of smoke. "
"His face was yellow and white, and he was so thin that it was worrying. He seemed to be recovering from a serious illness, but he was in good spirits. His hair was about an inch long. It was obvious that he hadn't cut it for a long time, but he stood up one by one in high spirits. His beard was very eye-catching, like the official script" one "written in thick ink."
"With a white face in yellow, it's so thin that people worry about it. On his head, there are inch long hair; a long gown with yellow teeth and feather yarn; a beard with the character" Yi "in the body; a yellow cigarette holder in his left hand, one end of Anyan's cigarette has been blackened." (ALE's one side)
Through comprehensive and detailed description of these three places, the author depicts Lu Xun's mental outlook under difficult conditions, and the image of a great soldier who is "the older, the stronger", that is, standing in front of us
There are many ways of character description, each of which has its own merits
Such as: how to simplify (2cos 10 degrees - sin20 degrees) / sin70 degrees?
That is, sin20 = sin (30-10) is used in the calculation of flower slips, so (2cos10 ° - sin20 °) / sin70 ° = (2cos10 ° - sin (30-10)) / sin70 ° = (2cos10 - (sin30cos10-cos30sin10)) / sin70 = (2cos10-1 / 2cos10 + radical 3 / 2sin10) / sin70 = (3 / 2sin10 + radical 3 / 2sin10) / sin70 = radical 3 (radical 3 / 2cos10 + 1 / 2sin10) / sin70 = radical 3sin (10 + 60) / sin70 = radical 3
Evaluation: 1 / sin20 ° + 1 / tan40 °
If the answer to your question is not special, it is about 4.11556
It should be 1 / sin 20-1 / Tan 40
1/sin 20°-1/tan 40 °
= (2cos20°)/(2sin20°cos20°)-cos40°/sin40°
two point seven six six three
Is y = - (2x-1) / 5 a positive proportional function?
Constant term is not 0
So it's not a positive scale function
Let the hyperbolic equation be x ^ 2 / A ^ 2 - y ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1
The focus of two asymptotes is (1,1), which means that the function moves (1,1) vector units from the original place (you can draw a picture yourself to sort out the idea very well. It's easy to treat this point as the origin.)
After returning to the origin, the asymptote is x + y = 0
x - y = 0
... unfold
Let the hyperbolic equation be x ^ 2 / A ^ 2 - y ^ 2 / b ^ 2 = 1
The focus of two asymptotes is (1,1), which means that the function moves (1,1) vector units from the original place (you can draw a picture yourself to sort out the idea very well. It's easy to treat this point as the origin.)
After returning to the origin, the asymptote is x + y = 0
x - y = 0
That is, B / a = 1
Two more focuses on the parabola
Let y = 1
X = 3 or x = - 1
Because a ^ 2 + B ^ 2 = C ^ 2
We get a = √ 2p B = √ 2
To sum up: x ^ 2 / 2 - y ^ 2 / 2 = 1 is the calculated value
no This is a linear function.
The form of positive proportion function is y = KX (K ≠ 0)
See Baidu Encyclopedia on the clear concept of positive proportion function
Two thirds of logo
When a > 1
Loga (x) is an increasing function, so loga (2 / 3) 2 / 3 gives a > 1
When 0
Y = 2x ^ 2, y ^ 2 = 4x, is y a positive proportion function of X
Generally, the relation between two variables X and y can be expressed as a function of y = KX (k is a constant and K ≠ 0), then y is called the positive proportional function of X
Obviously, the two functions you give do not conform to the general formula of positive proportion function, y = KX (k is a constant and K ≠ 0)
Neither of the two functions is true?
If three fourths of loga is greater than 1, the value range of a is obtained
loga(3/4)>1 a>0,a ≠1 loga(3/4)>=lg(3/4)/lga>1 lg(3/4)
The graph of a given function is shown in the figure. (1) find the relation of this function; (2) try to judge whether the point P (- 1,1) is here
The graph of a given function is shown in the figure
(1) Find the relation of this first-order function;
(2) Try to judge whether the point P (- 1,1) is in the graph of this linear function
Let y = KX + B
Passing point (- 3,0), (0,2)
When x = - 1, y = 2 / 3 + 2 = 8 / 3 is not equal to 1
The point P (- 1,1) is not in the graph of this linear function
If 2 / 5 square of loga is less than 1, then the value range of a?
Two fifths of the square of loga is less than one
Two fifths square of loga is less than loga (a)
1. When a > 1
If the image of a function passes through point a (- 1,3) and point B (2, - 3) 1, find the analytic formula 2, and judge whether point C (- 2,5) is on the image of the function
The image of a function of degree passes through points a (- 1,3) and B (2, - 3)
According to the two-point formula: (Y-3) / (x + 1) = (y + 3) / (X-2)
xy+3x+y+3 = xy-3x-2y+6
Substituting x = - 2 into y = - 2x + 1
C (- 2,5) is on the function image