What is 170 / cos30 ° equal to

What is 170 / cos30 ° equal to

Cos30 ° = root 3 / 2
170 / cos30 ° = 170 / (radical 3 / 2)
=340 / root 3
=340 root 3 / 3
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(340 root 3) / 3
Triangle, square and circle each represent a number. The sum of two circles is equal to the sum of three triangles, the sum of four circles is equal to the sum of three squares, the sum of one triangle and one square, and the sum of two circles is equal to 180?
Let triangle represent x, square represent y and circle represent Z. the sum of two circles equals to the sum of three triangles → 2Z = 3x (1) the sum of four circles equals to the sum of three squares → 4Z = 3Y (2) the sum of one triangle plus one square plus two circles equals to 180 → x + y + 2Z = 180 (3)
Triangle y circle x square Z 2x = 3Y 4x = 3Z y + Z + 2x = 180, so x = 45, y = 30, z = 60
Triangle 40
Square 80
Round 60
If the triangle is x, then the square is 2x and the circle is 1.5x
Sin17 degrees sin43 degrees + sin73 degrees sin313 degrees = what?
For detailed explanation, thank you!
A circle plus a square equals 54.. a triangle plus a square equals 64. A triangle equals three circles. How many circles are there, how many triangles are there? How many squares are there
Circle 5, triangle 15, square 49
Let the circle be x, the triangle be y, and the square be Z
X+Z=54 (1)
Y+Z=64 (2)
Y=3X (3)
Substituting (3) into (2)
3X+Z=64 (4)
From (4) - (1)
The solution is x = 5
The circle is 5, the triangle is 15, and the square is 49.
Sin17 degrees * cos43 degrees + sin73 degrees * cos47 degrees = help me write the formula?
sin17°·cos43°+ sin73°·cos47°
= sin17°·cos43°+ cos(90°-73°)·sin(90°-47°)
= sin17°·cos43°+ cos17°·sin43°
= sin(17°+ 43°)
= sin60°
= √3/2
Sin17 degrees * cos43 degrees + sin73 degrees * cos47 degrees = sin60 degrees = - 1 / 2
The original formula is sin17 ° cos43 ° + cos17 ° sin43 °
From this we can conclude that the result will not be mentioned
OMG, no points!!!!
Two circles are equal to three squares. A square plus two five pointed stars is equal to one circle. The mass of a square is several times that of a triangle. The mass of a circle is several times that of a triangle
Two circles are equal to three squares, one square plus two five pointed stars is equal to one circle, the mass of a square is several times that of a five pointed star, and the mass of a circle is several times that of a five pointed star
Let X be the mass of the circle, y be the positive direction, and Z be the pentagram
Then 2x = 3Y (1)
y+2z=x (2)
(2) Substituting (1)
The mass of a square is four times that of a pentagram
4z+2z =x
X = 6Z the mass of a circle is six times that of a pentagram
Well. What seems to be missing from the title?? Where are triangles...
Known: 2 circles = 3 squares; 1 square + 2 Pentagram = 1 circle
We can know that: 1 circle = 1.5 square, 2 Pentagram = 1 / 2 square
So: 1 square = 4 five pointed stars; 1 circle = 1.5 squares * 4 = 6 five pointed stars
Answer: a square has four times the mass of a five pointed star; a circle has six times the mass of a five pointed star
Two circles are equal to three squares, and a square plus two triangles is equal to a circle
How many times the mass of a square is that of a triangle?
How many times the mass of a circle is that of a triangle?
1. The mass of a square is four times that of a triangle
2. The mass of a circle is six times that of a triangle
Positive x, three y, Z
Title Knowledge
The mass of a square is several times that of a triangle
Eliminate Z and get x = 4Y
2. The mass of a circle is several times that of a triangle
Eliminate x
6 times
Calculation: sin47 °− sin17 ° cos30 ° cos17 °=______ .
The original formula is sin (30 ° + 17 °) - sin17 ° cos30 ° cos17 ° = sin30 ° cos17 ° + cos30 ° sin17 ° - sin17 ° cos30 ° cos17 ° = sin30 ° cos17 ° cos17 ° = sin30 ° cos17 ° cos17 ° = sin30 ° = 12
The circle divided by triangle equals 8, the remainder is 7, and the smallest triangle is ()
The minimum is 8