Why is 2 sin30 ° sin20 ° - sin20 ° equal to 0

Why is 2 sin30 ° sin20 ° - sin20 ° equal to 0

Sin30 equals half
Sin30 equals half
2 sin30°sin20°- sin20°= sin20°(2 sin30°- 1)=sin20(1-1)=0
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It's not easy to answer. Have a good time (*^__ ^*(hee hee
2 times 1 / 2 equals 1, 1 times sin20 ° equals 1, 1 times sin20 ° equals sin20 °, sin20 ° minus sin20 ° equals 0
What is 20 degrees and 13 minutes
zero point three four five five seven one one eight
Logarithm calculation (reserved to 4 digits), and find out how to use the calculator to calculate logarithm
4. LG radical three
5. (lg5) & sup2; + LG2 × LG50 (with process)
Scientific calculators have the key to calculate log directly. If it's a general simple calculator, I don't know. I guess there's no way to calculate it~
If it's mathematical software, it's easier to input in order
Given the function y = (M + 2) x + m square-4, when m takes what value, y is a linear function of X and Y is a positive proportional function of X?
1 m + 2 is not equal to zero. 2 m + 2 is not equal to zero and the square-4 of M is equal to zero
Write the exponential formula 5 to the power of x = 2 into a logarithmic formula, and use the calculator to calculate the value of X
The base number is five
So x = log5 (2)
X is about 0.4307
It is known that the first-order function y = (M + 3) x + m2-16, and the value of Y increases with the increase of the value of X. (1) the range of M; (2) if the first-order function is a positive proportional function, try the value of M
(1) ∵ the first-order function y = (M + 3) x + m2-16, and the value of Y increases with the increase of x value, ∵ m + 3 > 0, m > - 3 is obtained. (2) the first-order function is also a positive proportional function, ∵ m2-16 = 0, and the solution is m = ± 4. ∵ m > - 3, ∵ M = 4 is the solution, M = - 4 is rounded
How to calculate logarithm with scientific calculator
The model is kk-88ms-1
For example, calculate log2 (3)
Enter log3 / log2
Because the log on it is based on 10 by default
Using the formula of changing bottom
Common logarithm, natural logarithm can be selected
If the function y = 2mx + 3-m is a positive proportional function, then M=______ The analytic expression of this function is______ .
∵ function y = 2mx + 3-m is a positive proportional function, ∵ 3-m = 0, the solution is m = 3, the analytic expression of function is y = 6x. So the answer is 3, y = 6x
How to press logarithm key in scientific calculator
Pressing "4" first and then "log" means "log is the logarithm of 4 with 10 as the base",
Bottom changing formula: logab (a is the base number, B is the real number) = LGB / LGA = LNB / LNA, any calculator has log and LN keys, which represent the logarithm with the base of 10 and the logarithm with the base of e respectively. Maybe more advanced calculators can work it out directly, anyway, I use the bottom changing formula until now:)
The function y = (m-2) X2N + 1-m + N, when m=______ ,n=______ When m is a positive proportional function______ ,n=______ Is a function of degree
According to the definition of a function, if the relationship between two variables X and y can be expressed in the form of y = KX + B (k, B are constants, K ≠ 0), then y is a function of X, where x is an independent variable and Y is a dependent variable. When B = 0, then y = KX (K ≠ 0), then y is a positive proportional function of X, so 2n + 1 = 1, that is, n