Sin100? =? Please, thank you

Sin100? =? Please, thank you

If triangle + triangle + triangle + square + square equals 24, triangle = square + square, then what is triangle equal to, square
If triangle + triangle + triangle + square + square = 24, triangle = square + square, then what is triangle equal to and what is square equal to
Triangle + triangle + triangle + square + square = 24 as formula (1),
The formula (2) is triangle = square + square
Substitute formula (2) into formula (1), that is, triangle + triangle + triangle = 24
So triangle = 6
Substituting (2), then square = 3
A math problem: how much is sin20 Degree * cos100 degree - cos170 Degree * sin70 degree
It is known that cos 100 degree = cos (90 + 10) degree = sin 10 degree
Cos 170 = cos (180-170) = cos 10
Sin70 = cos20
There are sin20 degrees * cos100 degrees - cos170 degrees * sin70 degrees = sin20 degrees * sin10 degrees - cos10 degrees * cos20 degrees
= - cos (20 + 10) degree
=- cos 30 degrees
= - (3 under root) / 2
The above formula is equal to - sin20 Degree * cos80 degree + cos10 Degree * sin70 degree = cos10 Degree * sin70 degree - sin10 Degree * cos70 degree = sin (70-10) degree = two-thirds root sign three
Known: Triangle plus triangle equals circular triangle divided by triangle equals square triangle minus triangle, etc
Known: Triangle plus triangle equals circle
A triangle divided by a triangle is a square
Triangle minus triangle equals five pointed star
Square plus circle plus five pointed star equals 9.6
Ask: triangle and circle each is how many?
Triangle = a circle = b square = C Pentagram = D
c=1 d=0 b=8.6 a=4.3
Triangle = 4.3 circle = 8.6
Triangle = a circle = b square = C Pentagram = D
c=1 d=0 b=8.6 a=4.3
A math problem ~ cos100 * cos140 * cos160 =?
The answer is - 1 / 8, cos100 * cos140 * cos160 = - cos20 * cos40 * cos80 = - sin20 * cos20 * cos40 * cos80 / sin20 = - sin160 / 8sin20 = - 1 / 8
Key: sine double angle formula, sine and cosine conversion
Original formula = (- sin10) * (- cos40) * (- cos20)
Put sin10 and cos10 together
= -(sin10*cos10)*cos20*cos40/cos10
=-(1 / 2 sin20) * Co
Key: sine double angle formula, sine and cosine conversion
Original formula = (- sin10) * (- cos40) * (- cos20)
Put sin10 and cos10 together
= -(sin10*cos10)*cos20*cos40/cos10
=-(1/2 sin20)*cos20*cos40/cos10
=-1 / 8 = - 0.125 ﹣ put away
=166421265, the calculator can be operated by pressing~
*What do you mean? Please raise the question again
This is not a special angle, but it is troublesome. The final answer is about:
(square minus triangle) times (square minus triangle) equals 81, triangle equals 10, square equals?
Let the square be X,
A: a square equals 1 or 19
If the terminal edge of a passes through the point (sin100, cos100), the general expression of the same angle as the terminal edge of angle a is?
There should be cycles, right
K * 360 + 100 or K * 360 + 170 or K * 360 + 80 or K * 360-30
Question supplement: find the value of COS (a + Wu / 2) + sin (Wu + a) / Tan (- a), sin a = 0.8, cos a = - 0.6, Tan a = - 4 / 3, the original formula = - 0.8-0.8 * 3 / 4 = - 1.4,
If the square minus triangle equals 5, calculate: 62 times the square minus 62 times the triangle
How many is a triangle and how many is a square
62 times square minus 62 times triangle
=62 times (square minus triangle)
=62 times 5
We can't figure out the specific values of triangles and squares
How many is a triangle and how many is a square
But 62 ×□ - 62 ×△ can be calculated
Known □ - △ = 5
Then 62 × □ - 62 ×△ = 62 × (□ - △) = 62 × 5 = 310
A-B = 5,62 * a-62 * b = 62 * (a-b) = 62 * 5 = 310, a: square, B: triangle. This problem does not need to know the specific values of squares and triangles
As for how many squares and triangles are equal to, it is impossible to calculate them, because there are no exact values, such as 6 and 1, 7 and 2, 8 and 3
sin100°cos 110° cos100°sin110°
If a triangle minus a square equals a circle, then a triangle plus a square plus a circle equals ()
Two triangles
Because a square plus a circle equals a triangle
2 * triangle
Two triangles
Delta - □ = 0, that is, delta = □ +. So delta + □ +. Zero = delta +. Delta = 2 *
Two triangles
Delta - □ = 0, that is, delta = □ +. So delta + □ +. Zero = delta +. Delta = 2 *