After the people of class 51 are transferred out from Class 17 to class 52, the number of people in the two classes is equal. Originally, the number of people in class 52 is the same as that in class 51

After the people of class 51 are transferred out from Class 17 to class 52, the number of people in the two classes is equal. Originally, the number of people in class 52 is the same as that in class 51

1-17 × 2 = 1-27 = 57 A: the original number of class 52 is 57 of class 51, so the answer is: 57
Circle plus triangle equals 88; triangle plus square equals 100; circle plus square equals 92
Three unknowns and three equations
Ψ triangle = 48
Circle = 40
Block = 52
A circle equals 40
Triangle equals 48
Square equals 52
Circle is 40, triangle is 48, square is 52, do not know if you want this result?
What are you asking?. Follow up questions: 0 + △ = 88; 0 + □ = 100; 0 + □ = 92. How many are zero, Delta, and?
When one fifth of the students in class 51 were transferred to class 52, the number of students in the two classes was just the same. It turned out that the number of students in class 52 was a fraction of that in class 51
Circle + triangle = 35 circle + square = 42 triangle + square = 23 circle = () triangle = () square = ()
Circle = (27)
Triangle = (8)
Square = (15)
After the people of class 51 are transferred out from Class 17 to class 52, the number of people in the two classes is equal. Originally, the number of people in class 52 is the same as that in class 51
1-17 × 2 = 1-27 = 57 A: the original number of class 52 is 57 of class 51, so the answer is: 57
Triangle plus triangle plus square plus square equals 13
Triangle + square + square + square = 7
Triangle + triangle + triangle + square + square = 13
Q: how many triangles are equal to and how many squares are equal to
3 (triangle + square + square + square) = 3 * 7 = 21
3 (triangle + square + square) - (triangle + triangle + triangle + square + square) = 21-13 = 8
Square = 8 / 7
Triangle = 25 / 7
If you set triangle = x, square = y, then the equation is
Triangle = 25 / 7 square = 8 / 7
The ratio of class 1 to class 2 is 8:7. If 8 students in class 1 are transferred to class 2, the number of class 1 and class 2 will be 4:5
The proportion of the first class to the whole class = 8 (8 + 7) = 8 / 15
Now the second class accounts for all = 4 (4 + 5) = 4 / 9
Total = 8 (8 / 15-4 / 9) = 90 people
Original class 1 = 90 × 8 / 15 = 48 persons
Original class 2 = 90-48 = 42
One square plus one square plus one triangle plus one triangle equals 36
Two squares plus five triangles is 60
Triangle = square=
Triangle = 8; square = 10
Triangle = 8
Block = 10
Square = 10 triangle = 8
Transfer 1 / 5 of the number of class A to class B. the number of the two classes is equal. What is the number of class B?
After giving 1 / 5 of a to B, a has 4 / 5 left. At this time, a and B are equal. That is to say, B is now 4 / 5 of A. before the transfer, it was 3 / 5 of A. that is to say, if a has 5 jobs, B has 3 jobs. So, the number of people in class B is 3 / 5 of overtime
Triangle. Circle. Square represents three numbers. And triangle + triangle = circle + square + square, square + triangle = 54, circle + square + triangle = 86, then triangle = circle = square=
Circle 86-54 = 32
Triangle (32 △ 2 + 54) △ 2 = 35
Block 54-35 = 19
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Triangle = (150) square = (100) circle = (50)
Please accept.