How many hours is two hours and fifteen minutes

How many hours is two hours and fifteen minutes

The time unit is 60 base:
1 hour = 60 minutes = 3600 seconds
1 second = 1 / 60 minutes = 1 / 3600 hours
2 hours and 15 minutes = 2 + 15x1 / 60 = 2 + 1 / 4 = 9 / 4 = 2.25 hours
15 minutes is a quarter of an hour, so it's 2.25 hours
2.25 hours
2.25 hours or two and three fourths of an hour
It's all accurate.
2 hours and 15 minutes is 2.25 hours
Do not understand can ask, help please adopt, thank you!
2.25 hours
Triangle plus circle equals to square, three triangle circle equals to square, Q: what is triangle minus circle equal to?
Let triangle be x, circle be y and square be Z
X=Z/2 Y=Z/2
Triangle circle = 0
0 triangle plus circle equals to square, three triangle circle equals to square, so triangle plus circle equals to three triangle circle, so triangle equals to circle, so it is 0
Half a square
How many hours is 2 hours 15 minutes minus 30 minutes
1.75 hours
2 hours 15 minutes = 2.25 hours
30 points = 0.5
2 hours 30 minutes - 30 minutes = 1.75 hours
Triangle + circle = 1.6 circle square = 0.7 square triangle = 0.5 what are the square, member and triangle
Urgent need
Triangle + circle = 1.6
Circle square = 0.7
Square triangle = 0.5
The sum of the three formulas gives 2 circles = 2.8
Circle = 1.4
Triangle = 0.2
Square = 0.7
Triangle 0.2, circle 1.4, square 0.7.
The square is 0.7
The circle is 1.4
The triangle is 0.2
△+○=1.6 ○-□=0.7 □-△=0.5
Standard answer: Triangle: △ = 0.2
Square: □ = 0.7
Circle: 0 = 1.4
What is 0.375? What is 0.625?
0.375 equals 3 / 8 0.625 equals 5 / 8
Star, circle, triangle and square are arranged in succession. What is the 135th
Because there are four cycles, and 135 △ 4 = 33... 3
So the 135th is the same graph as the third represented by the remainder 3
That is, the 135 th is a triangle
If you don't understand, ask. If you understand, please accept!
The 135 th is the triangle
What percentage is 0.15
Three in twenty, fifteen, and fifteen percent
0.15 is three twentieth
It's 15 percent
It's 15 percent
0.15 = 15 / 100 = 3 / 20 = 1.5%
Star delta starting wiring diagram of 55 kW motor,
See illustration
Three out of five equals 60 percent, six to ten equals 36 out of 60 equals three out of four what's the ratio?
Five out of four answers
Pentagram, circle, square, triangle, multiply by 9 = triangle, square, circle, star