One in thirty is equal to what fraction minus what fraction?

One in thirty is equal to what fraction minus what fraction?

How many days is 641 hours?
Formula for finding general term
If the sum of the first n terms of the sequence {an} is Sn = 2n square - 3N, then the general term formula an =?
Then n > = 2
So an = SN-S (n-1) = 4n-5
N = 1, then A1 = S1 = 2-3 = - 1, according to an = 4n-5
So an = 4n-5
Replace n with N + 1 and subtract Sn with Sn + 1
When n is greater than or equal to 2
An = sn-sn-1 = 2n square-3n - (2 (n-1) square-3 (n-1)) = 4n-5
When n = 1, an = S1 = 2-3 = - 1
A fraction plus a fraction equals eleven out of thirty, and a fraction minus a fraction equals seventy-two
One fifth plus one sixth is eleven out of thirty, and one eighth minus one ninth is seventy-two
One fifth and one sixth
One eighth to one ninth
How many hours is 86000 seconds?
It's about 24 hours
All subsets of a finite set with n elements are 2
All subsets of a finite set with n elements are n-th power of 2
It is proved that there is one subset with 0 elements
There are n subsets with one element (cN1)
The subset with two elements has cn2
There is one subset with n elements (CNN)
The total number of subsets is 1 + cN1 + cn2 + CN3 +... + CNN = 2 ^ n (binomial theorem)
Where CNK means combination number
Is it the wrong number
The nth power of 2
To understand it this way:
A subset of this set is equivalent to the result of taking some elements from it
Then the number of subsets is such a number
How many methods are there?
Each element is either taken or not taken. There are two possibilities
So the total number of methods is 2 * 2 * 2 (n) = 2 ^ n
All subsets of a finite set with n elements are 2 ^ n
binomial theorem
Five half equations, fill in +, -, ×, △ and () to make the equation equal to 6
1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2=6
How many days is 8760 hours?
Such as the title
It's 365 days. If so, take it as the answer,
1. What is the number of subsets of a set with n elements? 2. What is the number of true subsets of a set with n elements?
There are n elements,
Each element has two possibilities: take or not,
So it should be:
2 * 2 *.. (n) = 2 ^ n
If it is a proper subset, then minus one is:
2 ^ n-1
2 * 2 *.. (n) = 2 ^ n should be added 1? You seem to ignore the empty set! The second one seems to be the same
One half plus one half plus one half equals one. Fill in the brackets to make the equation true
Half plus (3) one plus (6) one equals one. Fill in the brackets to make the equation true
Hope it can help you, please accept
Half plus (4) one plus (4) one equals 1. Fill in the brackets to make the equation true.