7 out of 12 is the sum of three fractions (of a different number)

7 out of 12 is the sum of three fractions (of a different number)

Cos θ + Cos2 θ + cos3 θ = 0, find θ
The original formula = cos (x + 2x) = cosxcos2x sinxsin2x = cosx ((cosx) ^ 2 - (SiNx) ^ 2) - 2 (SiNx) ^ 2cosx
Cosx = 0 or (SiNx) ^ 2 = 1 / 4
X = (K + 1 / 2) PI or x = (K / 2 + 1 / 4) PI K belongs to Z
What's six out of seven minus two-thirds
I'm learning to cook. I need egg white. The book says 125 grams. How many jin is it
One kilogram is equal to 500 grams, one or two is equal to 50 grams, 125 divided by 50 can be equal to 2, 5 Liang = 0, 25 Jin
500 grams per kilo is a quarter of a kilo, two and a half~~~
Two thirds of x equals 7
How many grams is 400 ml_ Please, gods
How many grams is 400 ml
It depends on what it is. Different liquids have different densities. Mass = density * volume. If the density of water is 1g / ml, 400ml water weighs 400g, oil weighs about 0.8g/ml, and 400ml oil weighs 320G
What's one in seven?
One in seven is one in 14 plus one in 14
One in seven is one in 14 plus one in 14
I'm a teacher. Thank you
1 / 7 = 1 / 14 + 1 / 14
One in 14 plus one in 14
A lot of the scores match
For example: 1 in 10 plus 3 in 70 equals 1 in 7
One seventh is one fourteenth plus one fourteenth.
One in seven is one in 14 plus one in 14,
How many Mu is 2 km horizontally and vertically?
1 mu = 666.7 square meters, horizontal and vertical 2 km = 2000 * 2000 / 666.7 = 6000 mu
1 mu = 667 square meters, 1 square kilometer = 1000000 / 667 mu, 2 square kilometer = 2998 mu.
One out of 91 is one out of several
Rescue in the world
A: 1 out of 78 minus 1 out of 546,
Equal to 1 / 1-90 / 91
1 / 91 = 3 / 91-2 / 91
One in 91 equals one in 90 minus one in 8190
How much is 25 + 32 + 2 / 2
It's 57 + 1