The number of boys in the school chorus is 20% of the number of girls. What is the percentage of boys in the chorus? What is the percentage of boys less than girls?

The number of boys in the school chorus is 20% of the number of girls. What is the percentage of boys in the chorus? What is the percentage of boys less than girls?

(1-20%)÷ 1 = 4/5
First simplify, then evaluate: M / (M + 3) - 6 / (m ^ 2-9) / 2 / (M-3)
6 / (m ^ 2-9) / 2 / (M-3) means 6 / (m ^ 2-9) is removed by 2 / (M-3)
Original formula = m / (M + 3) - 6 / (M + 3) (M-3) / 2 / (M-3)
6/(m^2-9) =6/(m+3)(m-3)
6/(m^2-9)/2/(m-3)=6/2 *1/(m+3) =3/(m+3)
Original formula = m / (M + 3) - 6 / (m ^ 2-9) * (M-3) / 2
We can find out the value of m when we bring it in
Original formula = m / (M + 3) - [6 / (M + 3) (M-3)] * [(M-3) / 2]
There are 24 boys and 54 girls in the school chorus. What is the proportion of boys to girls? What is the proportion of boys to the chorus
Are you a little friend? 24 divided by 54 = 12 / 27, 24 divided by (24 + 54) = 4 / 13
First simplify and then evaluate m (M-3) - (M + 3) (M-3), where M = - 4
The number of boys in the school chorus is three fifths less than that of girls. What's the number of boys? What's the number of girls?
What's the percentage of boys in the chorus?
Five eighths of the total length of a road has been built. How many parts of the road have been built? How many parts of the road have been built? How many parts of the road have been built?
Wait online! Hurry up, I'll give you some points
There are two fifths of boys and five fifths of girls
What has been repaired is the remaining 5 / 3, the remaining 3 / 5 and the remaining 3 / 8 of the total length?
First simplify, then evaluate m square + 1 / 2 of m-2 + m divided by m-2 + 3 / 2 of m-2
Then evaluate m square + 1 / 2 of m-2 + m divided by 3 / 2 of m-2 + m + 2
The number of boys in a class accounts for three fifths of the number of girls, and the number of boys in the whole class accounts for a few percent
First, simplify, then evaluate: M / M + 3-6 / M-9 / 2 / M-3, where M = - 2
I suspect you lack a square m / (M + 3) - 6 / (M-9) △ 2 / (M-3) = m / (M + 3) - 6 / (M + 3) (M-3) × (M-3) / 2 = m / (M + 3) - 3 / (M + 3) = (M-3) / (M + 3) when m = - 2, the original formula = (- 2-3) / (- 2 + 3) = - 5
What's nine tenths minus one sixth?
Simplified evaluation: (M-4) / (m ^ 2-9) & # 8226; {1 + [(14m-7) / (m ^ 2 + 8m + 16)]} △ 1 / (M-3)] where M = 5
(m-4)/(m^2-9)•{1+[(14m-7)/(m^2+8m+16)]}÷[1/(m-3) ]
=(m-4)/(m+3)(m-3) × (m²+8m+16+14m-7)/(m+4)² ×(m-3)
=(m-4)/(m+3)× (m²+22m+9)/(m+4)²