How many seconds is 9 out of 15 minutes

How many seconds is 9 out of 15 minutes

60 × 9 / 15 = 36 seconds
A: it's 36 seconds
(5.6 * 39 * 0.48) / (1.4 * 13 * 2.4) simple calculation method
(5.6 * 39 * 0.48) / (1.4 * 13 * 2.4) = (5.6 / 1.4) x (39 / 3) x (0.48 / 2.4) = 4x3x0.2 = 2.4 hope to adopt!
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How many hours is nine minutes
Give reasons
One hour = 60 minutes, so 9 minutes = 9,60 = 3,20 hours
0.15 hours
9 △ 60 = 3 / 20 (hours)
9 / 60 = 3 / 20 hours
One hour = 60 minutes, 9 minutes = 9 △ 60 = 3 / 20 hours
Simple calculation method of 5.9 times 1.4 plus 59 times 0.33
Two 5.9x1.4 ten 5.9x3.3 two 5.9x4.7 two 6x4.7-0.1x4.7 two 28.2-0.47 two 27.73
How many minutes is (nine fourths) °? How many seconds is it?
One degree equals 60 minutes, one minute equals 60 seconds
So nine fourths of a degree is 80 / 3 minutes, 1600 seconds
1 / 3 plus 3.8 times 1 / 3 plus 4.2 times 1 / 3 is calculated by a simple method
How many minutes is 450 seconds? How many degrees?
Equal to 450 △ 60 = 7.5 points
Equal to 7.5 △ 60 = 0.125 degrees
450÷60=70………… Thirty
450 seconds = 70 minutes 30 seconds = 1 degree 10 minutes 30 seconds
2 / 9 plus 3 / 9 plus 4 / 9 plus 2 / 9 times 5 / 9
2 / 9 + 3 and 4 / 9 + 2 / 9 * 5 and 5 / 9
=2 / 9 * (3 + 4 / 9 + 5 + 5 / 9)
The known straight line x = a (0
Y1 = Sina, y2 = cosa, given Mn = │ Sina Cosa │ = 7 / 13, find Y1 + Y2, that is, Sina + cosa (Sina COSA) &# 178; = Sin & # 178; a + cos & # 178; a-2sinacosa = 1-2sinacosa = 49 / 1692sinacosa = 120 / 169 (Sina + COSA) &# 178; = Sin & # 178; a + cos & # 178; a + 2
2.33 * 0.5 * 0.4 * 5 simple calculation method is fast