How many meters is 45 meters minus three fifths meters?

How many meters is 45 meters minus three fifths meters?

The minimum value of y = 1 / (2 + SiNx + cosx) is
How many minutes is nine and three fifths of a minute
9.6 minutes, 9 minutes 36 seconds
Given f '(cosx) = SiNx, find f (cosx) =?
The answer is how to calculate 1 / 2 (sinxcosx-x) + C?
Let t = cosx, then f '(T) = (1-T ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2),
Then find the indefinite integral to get f (T) = (t * (1-T ^ 2) ^ (1 / 2) - arccost) / 2 + C, and substitute t = cosx to get the result
The answer is obviously wrong
Let f (cosx) = a (x), and take the derivative of X on both sides at the same time, then bring in F '(cosx), We can get a (x) by solving the indefinite integral on both sides at the same time, that is, f (cosx) a '(x) = - SiNx * f' (cosx) = - Sin ^ 2 (x) = [cos (2x) - 1] / 2. We can get a (x) = 0.25sin (2x) - 0.5x + C by solving the indefinite integral on both sides. After graduation for a long time, I have forgotten about mathematics. I don't know if it's right, but it must be this idea... Expand
Let f (cosx) = a (x), both sides of the derivative of X, and then bring in F '(cosx), both sides of the indefinite integral can be obtained a (x), that is, f (cosx) answer: a' (x) = - SiNx * f '(cosx) = - Sin ^ 2 (x) = [cos (2x) - 1] / 2, both sides of the indefinite integral obtained a (x) = 0.25sin (2x) - 0.5x + C
What's one and three fifths?
"False fraction with fraction: same denominator, numerator: 1 * 5 + 3 = 8"
It's eight fifths
If f (cosx) = SiNx, what is f (SiNx)
27 * what is three fifths
one hundred and thirty-eight-fifths
Given vector a = (cosx, SiNx), vector b = (- cos, cosx), vector C = (- 1,0), ask: if x = paig6, find direction
We know that vector a = (cosx, SiNx), vector b = (- cos, cosx), vector C = (- 1,0)
One question: if x = paig6, find the angle between vector a and vector C
Vector a = (radical 3 / 2,1 / 2)
A · C = - radical 3 / 2
A. C = | a | C | cos
-Root sign 3 / 2 = root sign (3 / 4 + 1 / 4) * 1 * cos
Cos = - radical 3 / 2
So, the angle between a and C is 150 degrees
How many minutes is one degree in an angle
Hurry up
The vector a = (1, cosx) and B = (1 / 4, - SiNx) are known. When x belongs to the closed interval of 0, Pie / 4, if the vector a is perpendicular to B
The vector a is perpendicular to B, the scalar product is 0, the coordinate operation is 1 * 1 / 4 + cosx * (- SiNx) = 0, cosx * SiNx = 1 / 4, sin2x = 2cosx * SiNx = 1 / 2,