How to express 18.15 ° in degrees, minutes and seconds

How to express 18.15 ° in degrees, minutes and seconds

That is, 0.15 ° = 0.15 × 60 = 9 '
It should be 18 ° 9'0 "(18 degrees 9 minutes 0 seconds)
F (x) = (AX + b) SiNx + (Cx + D) cosx try to determine the constants a, B, C, d such that f '(x) = xcos
F '(x) is the derivative of function f (x)
Identical to xcosx
63.5 ° is expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds, and 18 ° 18'18 ° is expressed in degrees
Let f (x) = (AX + b) SiNx + (Cx + D) cosx, try to determine the constants a, B, C, D, such that f '(x) = xcosx
From the known f ′ (x) = [(AX + b) SiNx + (Cx + D) cosx] ′ = [(AX + b) SiNx] ′ + [(Cx + D) cosx] ′ = (AX + b) ′ SiNx + (AX + b) (SiNx) ′ + (Cx + D) ′ cosx + (Cx + D) · (cosx) ′ = asinx + (AX + b) cosx + ccosx - (Cx + D) SiNx = (a-cx-d) sin
Please change 51 degrees, 18 minutes and 42 seconds into degrees
Let y = xcosx, find y '(1) y' = x'cosx + X (cosx) 'and change the derivative of (cosx)' to - SiNx
Of course, the request came out
So y '= cosx xsinx
(1) 58 ° 28 ′ 12 ″, (2) 36 ° 17 ′ 42 ″, (3) 216 ° 42 ″
(1) 58 ° 28'12 "expressed in degrees = 58.47 degrees
Note: the key to this kind of problem is: the degree remains unchanged, the whole minute and second is changed into seconds, and then the degree is changed
1692 ″ 3600 = 0.47, so the conversion degree is 58.47 degrees
Lei She
They are 58 57 / 120 degrees, 36 177 / 600 degrees and 216.7 degrees respectively
If f (x) = SiNx + A ^ 3, where a is a constant, then f '' (x) = () a.cosx + 3A ^ 2 b.sinx + 6A C. - SiNx d.cosx
The derivative of the constant is 0, so f '(x) = cosx, f' (x) = - SiNx
Choose C
The answer is D, a is a constant, then the third power of a is a constant, and the derivative of the constant is 0, so it's cosx.
May my answer help you! If you have any questions, please ask and answer. If you understand and solve your problem, please take it as the best answer in time!
42.34 ° in degrees, minutes and seconds
0.34 degree = 0.34 × 60 = 20.4 points
0.4 min = 0.4 × 60 = 24 s
So 42.34 degrees = 42 degrees 20 minutes 24 seconds
To find the definite integral of (SiNx xcosx) / (cosx xsinx) from 0 to 1, please;
Ah. You students really occupy the whole Baidu know. Asked nearly 20 times. Last 3 days
But you can give up this topic. Elementary function can't express original function