Given x2-4x + 1 = 0, find the value of x4-5x3 + 6x2-5x The number after the letter is the number of times

Given x2-4x + 1 = 0, find the value of x4-5x3 + 6x2-5x The number after the letter is the number of times

The result is: x2-4x = - 1
This is a little difficult. Is there any mistake?
If you can't do it, you can use a quadratic equation
The total revenue of a company last year is 500000 yuan more than the total expenditure. The total revenue of this year is 11% more than that of last year, the total expenditure is 18% less than that of last year, and the total revenue of this year is 990000 yuan more than that of last year
Assuming that the total revenue of the company last year was x 10000 yuan, the total expenditure of the company last year was (x-500000 yuan), the total revenue of the company this year was (1 + 11%) x 10000 yuan, and the total expenditure of the company this year was (1-18%) (x-500000 yuan)
According to the meaning of the title:
(1+11%)x -(1-18%)(x-50)=99
The solution is as follows:
The total expenditure of the company last year was (x-50) = (200-50) = 1.5 million yuan
The total revenue of the company this year is: (1 + 11%) x = (1 + 11%) × 200 = 2.22 million yuan
The total expenditure of the company this year is: (1-18%) (x-50) = (1-18%) × (200-50) = 1.23 million yuan
A: this year, the company's total revenue is 2.22 million yuan and total expenditure is 1.23 million yuan
Suppose the total expenditure of last year is x ten thousand yuan
(1—18%)x +99=(1+11%)(x+50)
(this is the total expenditure of last year - 1.5 million yuan, pay attention to the unit)
Last year's total income: 150 + 50 = 2 million yuan
This year's total revenue: 200 times (1 + 11%) = 2.22 million yuan
Total expenditure this year: 150 times (1-18%) = 1.23 million yuan
This should be the solution. If you are wrong, you are not responsible! It's up to you! ... unfold
Suppose the total expenditure of last year is x ten thousand yuan
(1—18%)x +99=(1+11%)(x+50)
(this is the total expenditure of last year - 1.5 million yuan, pay attention to the unit)
Last year's total income: 150 + 50 = 2 million yuan
This year's total revenue: 200 times (1 + 11%) = 2.22 million yuan
Total expenditure this year: 150 times (1-18%) = 1.23 million yuan
This should be the solution. If you are wrong, you are not responsible! It's up to you! Put it away
The coordinates of the intersection of the parabola y = x2 + 3x-4 and the Y axis are______ The coordinate of the intersection point of x-axis is______ .
When x = 0, y = - 4, when y = 0, x 2 + 3x-4 = 0, x = - 4 or x = 1, the intersection coordinates of Y axis and X axis are (0, - 4) and (- 4,0), (1,0). So the answer is: (0, - 4), (- 4,0), (1,0)
Is the equation of one degree and the equation of two degrees one yuan or two yuan
Of course not. Variables mean unknowns. One variable means that there is one unknowns in the equation. Two variables means that there are two unknowns in the equation
It's not like that
Laugh at me
It's not like that
The coordinates of the intersection of the parabola y = 3x & # 178; - 2x-1 and the X axis and the Y axis are
What is the value of X
(just for coordinates, don't look below)
The coordinates of the intersection point with X axis are (1,0), (- 1 / 3,0)
The coordinates of the intersection point with the Y axis are (0, - 1)
When x ≤ 1 / 3, y decreases with the increase of X
Brothers and sisters, who has the exercises and solutions of the equations of one degree and two degree,
And there are complete answers
If the parabola y = x & # 178; - 3x + m has only one intersection with the X axis, then M =?
Because: discriminant = the square of B - 4ac = 0
So the square of - 3 - 4 * 1 * m = 0
That is: 9-4m = 0
Please write a quadratic equation of one variable with opposite sign of two real numbers______ .
For example, x2-x-6 = 0
The intersection coordinates of parabola y = 3x2-2x-5 and Y axis are___ The coordinate of the point of intersection with the X axis is___ .
① According to the meaning of the problem, when x = 0, the parabola y = 3x2-2x-5 intersects with the y-axis. Substituting x = 0 into y = 3x2-2x-5, the coordinates of the intersection of y = - 5 and the Y-axis of the parabola y = 3x2-2x-5 are (0, - 5). ② according to the meaning of the problem, the two of the equation 3x2-2x-5 = 0 are the horizontal coordinates of the intersection of the parabola y = 3x2-2x-5 and the x-axis
The relationship between the root and coefficient of quadratic equation with one variable
X1 and X2 are the two roots of the equation x ^ 2 + 2x-17 = 0|
So | x1-x2 | = √ 72 = 6 √ 2
|X1-x2 | = root opening sign (x1 + x2) square - 4 X1 x2 = root opening sign 4 + 4 * 17 = root opening sign 72
X1-x2 | = 6 radical 2
Hope to adopt
|x1-x2|=√(x1+x2)^2-4 x1 x2=√4+4*17=√72