英語翻譯 1.被車撞到時那個女孩正在做什麼?(when) 2.那個老師花了整個週末評孩子們的試卷.(grade) 3.林小姐來到圖書館為她的論文蒐集資訊.(collect) 4.他總是樂於幫助同學們複習功課.(be ready to) 5.男孩子比女孩子更喜歡踢足球.(fond) 6.許多公司都苦於缺乏熟練工人.(suffer) 7.炸彈在擠滿人群的大街上爆炸了.(go off)

英語翻譯 1.被車撞到時那個女孩正在做什麼?(when) 2.那個老師花了整個週末評孩子們的試卷.(grade) 3.林小姐來到圖書館為她的論文蒐集資訊.(collect) 4.他總是樂於幫助同學們複習功課.(be ready to) 5.男孩子比女孩子更喜歡踢足球.(fond) 6.許多公司都苦於缺乏熟練工人.(suffer) 7.炸彈在擠滿人群的大街上爆炸了.(go off)

1. what was the girl doing when she was hit by the car?
2. The teacher spent a whole weekend grading the children's paper.
3. Miss Lin came to the library to collect information for her paper.
4. He is always ready to help his classmates review lessons.
5. Boys are more fond of playing football than girls.
6. A lot of companies are suffering from shortage of skilled workers.
7. The bomb went off in the crowded street.