英漢互譯英漢互譯英漢互譯 游泳對我的肺有好處 Swimming _____ ______ _______my lungs. 下個星期六將有一場運動會 There is going to _____a _____ ______next Saturday 我將參加跳高比賽 I am going to _____ ______ ______the high jump 我計畫後天去打網球 I plan to play tennis _____ ______ ______ ______

英漢互譯英漢互譯英漢互譯 游泳對我的肺有好處 Swimming _____ ______ _______my lungs. 下個星期六將有一場運動會 There is going to _____a _____ ______next Saturday 我將參加跳高比賽 I am going to _____ ______ ______the high jump 我計畫後天去打網球 I plan to play tennis _____ ______ ______ ______

is good for
be…sports meeting
take part in
the day after tomorrow