英語翻譯 單詞能少就少必須帶翻譯

英語翻譯 單詞能少就少必須帶翻譯

Snake-like Reflection of a Bow in the Cup(杯弓蛇影)Nearly 2000 years ago,during the Han Dynasty,there was a county magistrate called YingChen.Onesummer day,he invited his secretary Du Xuan to his…


There is a lady over the years constantly complaining about the opposite lady is lazy,“the woman's clothes will wash clean,look,her clothes hung out in the yard,there are spots,I really don't know,how she even wash the clothes are washed into the way..”Until one day,a friend to her home to discover the minutest detail in everything,not only discovered the wife does not wash cleanclothes.Attentivefriend took a piece of cloth,the wife of the window limed erase,says:“see,this not clean?”The original,is their home windows are dirty.
One‘s LuGuo person is good at weaving straw sandals,his wife is good at weaving BaiJuan.Hewants to move to the country.A friend said to him:“you go to the country,will be poor.”“Why?”“Sandals,is used to walking,but more people are accustomed to walking barefoot on;Bai Juan,is used to make hats,but more people are accustomed tounkempt.Withyour strengths,to use to the place you go,so,to make their own poor,is possible?“Tell people thisstory:a manto play its specialty,must be adapted to the social environmentneeds.Ifseparated from the social environment,its expertise also lostvalue.Therefore,we must according to the social need,decide their action,better to play to their expertise.


When Jack bowed to someone,he always did it at lighteningspeed.Youshouldn't wait any longer after he has had his headnod.Sohe was blamed for nomanners.Thensome warmhearted men taught him,“When y…
