any other後面的名詞到底要不要是複數形式 例如any other student還是any other students;或any other country還是any other cpuntries? 呃……答案各不相同!有沒有肯定一點的!

any other後面的名詞到底要不要是複數形式 例如any other student還是any other students;或any other country還是any other cpuntries? 呃……答案各不相同!有沒有肯定一點的!

any other student/any other country
此外在告訴你如何區別如何使用any、any other,加深你的記憶:
any other+可數名詞單數的意思是“其他的任何一個”,也就是說除了本身以外的任何一個.
any +可數名詞單數的意思是“任何一個”.
Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China.(也就說排除本身,因為Shanghai也在中國)
Shanghai is bigger than any city in Japan.(因為Shanghai不在日本,所以不必排除本身)

DO you have any other sizes?any other不是加名詞單數嗎?這句後面為什麼加S?

any other+名詞單數,表示任何其他的一個.(一般一個整體)

any other的用法,它也可以接複數名詞.

Any other people can not answer this question.

Tom runs faster than any other student in his class的同義句

Tom runs fastest in his class.

Tom runs faster than any other boys in our class,too.錯在哪?

Tom runs faster than any other boy in our class,too.單數的boy
因為any other boy表示除了他本人之外,與他班上任何一個boy做比較

Tom owns a larger collection of books than any other student in
our class.主幹是什麼為什麼larger collection of books前有a?

主幹是:Tom Owns books

don't have之後加單數還是複數

這個要看具體你接什麼東西了,因為don't have表示沒有如果我沒有很多蘋果,那麼就是I don't have many apples後面就是接複數了如果我沒有一個蘋果,那麼就是I don't have an apple後面接的就是單數了所以,這個要看你具…

what kind of…do you like best?後面加名詞單數還是複數?

What kind of games do you like to play?
what kind of bread do you like to eat?
What kind of activities are there in your school?

What___would you like?填單數還是複數?

What_drink__would you like?你想要喝點兒什麼?
What_color__would you like?你想要什麼顏色的?
What_type__would you like?你想要什麼類型的?

what kind of()would you like括弧裏填名詞單數還是複數

1.一般來講what kind of加可數名詞單數或不可數名詞.但實際上也可以加複數.例如:
What kind of present do you want?《《指你會送一個
What kind of presents do you want?《《指他會受到一個以上(不一定是一個人給的)
2.what kinds of後一般加名詞複數.但口語中也可以用單數.
總結:你可以遵循what kind of加可數名詞單數或不可數名詞,what kinds of後加名詞複數.