英語造句~三個短語 transport sb to sw(某地) prefer to do rather than do

英語造句~三個短語 transport sb to sw(某地) prefer to do rather than do

I would like to transport the books to Shanghai.I prrfer to stay at home rather than goout.Tomwas asked to transport those goods to another city Mary prefer to borrow some new books rather than buy…
類似shorts,pants的詞一般只用複數,因為他們是成雙成對的.他們作主語是動詞用複數(are)但是如果在前面有pair之類的詞就要用單數(is).例如:1)The pants are blue.
2)This pair of pants is blue.
前面有a pair of就用單數,其它都用複數
shorts,pants,是複數形式,當它的前邊有these,the修飾時謂語動詞用複數。如:These pants look nice.當它的前邊有量詞短語修飾時,要看數量詞。如:A pair of pants is notenough.Thesetwo pairs of shorts feel soft.
1.求複數(a²;-b²;+2abi)/ [ab√2 +√(a^4+i* b^4)]的模.
would rather,would like,cross,across,already,yet,ansewer,reply to,both,all,America,American,date,day,die,dead,death,instead,instead of,so,such,time,times,too,either,in front of,in the front of,asleep,sleepy,sleep,in the tree,on the tree,clean,clear,each,every,else,other,drop,fall,fast,more quickly,floor,ground,high,tall,house,home,room,job,work,laugh,smile,problem,question,quite,quiet,see,look at,watch,well,good,while,when,as,
I would rather wear the pinkdress.Tomsaid he would like to see the latest Harry Pottermovie.Youneed to cross the bridge in order to reach the other side.I’ve already gone to the toilet 10 times t…
I would rather wear the pink dress.
Tom said he would like to see the latest Harry Potter movie.
You need to cross the bridge in order to reach the other side.
I’ve already gone to the toi…展開
I would rather wear the pink dress.
Tom said he would like to see the latest Harry Potter movie.
You need to cross the bridge in order to reach the other side.
I’ve already gone to the toilet 10 times today but I still need to go again.
Rachael hasn’t arrived at the bookstore yet.
I hope the teacher will answer my questions properly
I still need to reply to Marks e-mail.
This pathway leads to the garden.
Both Lilly and Peter like to eat cakes
America has a very large population.
Many food products we buy are American.
The date on this piece of paper is wrong.
One day,I want to become an actor
Every day,many animals die.
When I saw a dead rat,I screamed.
The death of a loved one is particularly hard to overcome.
Let’s watch The Dark Knight instead.
Bob thinks we should play soccer instead of cricket.
There are so many people in China.
I think people such as David Beckham are really handsome.
We need to sleep for a certain amount of time every day.
The times are changing.
I like eating ice cream too.
You either go to study or go to work.
There is a school in front of my friend’s house.
In the front of the garden,there are many beautiful flowers.
I fall asleep easily.
As soon as I feel sleepy,must go to bed.
I like to have at least eight hours of sleep every day.
There is a bird nest in the tree.
The leaves on the tree are very green.
My house is always very clean.
I want to have nice and clear skin.
Each person must eat at least one piece of fruit every day.
I counted every person in the room.
The other room is filled with toys.
I let the ball drop to the floor.
Sometimes,I fall over when I’m walking.
The teacher said I have to be able to translate Chinese into English more quickly.
I don’t like sitting on the floor.
The group floor of this building is very pretty.
The supermarkets tend to place certain things very high out of my reach.
I want to be a tall person.
My house is very beautiful.
My sister’s room is very messy.
I need to get a job in order to pay the bills.
I don’t like working at petrol stations.
Some people have very a peculiar laugh.
It’s good to smile often.
I found this math problem very hard.
I don’t like to ask questions because I’m shy.
I am a quite student.
Some people need to wear glasses in order to see clearly.
I like to look at pretty paintings.
My dad bought me a new watch yesterday.
I hope I do well in all my exams.
This cake tastes very good.
It took a while for me to understand what he was saying.
When I grow up,I want to be ascholar.Sheis as tall as a basketball player.收起
i would rather use bus.
i would like to know you.
i want to cross the road.
we came across by ferry.
he is already here since 8'o clock.
you haven't pass up homework yet.
i would rather use bus.
i would like to know you.
i want to cross the road.
we came across by ferry.
he is already here since 8'o clock.
you haven't pass up homework yet.
please answer my questions.
i will reply to her letter as soon as possible.
both my children are boys.
all the students study very hard.
mary lives in america.
john is an american.
the competition starts on date 10 September 2010.
The day of computer science is well upon us.
he wants to die.
The party being dead,we left early.
Drugs were the death of him.
Having planned to drive,we walked instead.
he wants to ordered chicken instead of fish.
so we can do it early.
i will not do such things.
please finish it on time.
i inform him many times.
i want the food too.
you can choose either skirt.
he stand in front of the class.
there are many grass in front of the garden.
my leg is asleep.
she is very sleepy.
i am going to sleep now.
the birds make nest on the tree.
the garden is clean.
the water is clear.
25 days is short.類似這種複數名詞動詞用單數的還有哪些
表示時間、重量、長度、價值等的組織名詞,儘管是複數形式,如果作整體看待,動詞都用單數形式.如果看作組成該數量的一個一個的個體,則動詞用複數.如:Twenty miles is a long way to walk.走二十英里可是很長的一段路….
x=(b-a)/2代入(1)[(b-a)^2]/2 -(b-a)+ab=0
run out of
take after
fix up
give away
補充:We ran out of coal,and had to burn wood.我們的煤用光了,只好燒柴.This pen must have run out of ink.這只鋼筆的墨水一定是用完了.All the students run out of the classrooms as soon as the bell rings….
1. We are going to run out of food.
2. My daughter does not take after me in any way.
3. I can fix up you with a used car.我可以為你提拱一輛舊車。Can you fix up my radio?你能把我的收音機修好嗎?
4. Don't give away my secret.不要洩露我的秘密。
1.If we continnue to consume petrol causally,we'll soon run out of energy.
2.It is strang that son doesn't take after his father.
3.It takes me…展開
1.If we continnue to consume petrol causally,we'll soon run out of energy.
2.It is strang that son doesn't take after his father.
3.It takes me time and energy to fix up my broken car.
4.Once you give away the secrets between you and me,I'll give away all my possessions to anyone else.