English expression time / fraction (1 14:8:19) The  American  film  TITANIC  will  begin  at  two  this  afternoon.  Shall  we  meet  at             at  the  cinema  gate? A.forty past  one     B.  half  past  two C.two  past  two       D.fifty  to  two Why a? How to express two thirds? Why?  

English expression time / fraction (1 14:8:19) The  American  film  TITANIC  will  begin  at  two  this  afternoon.  Shall  we  meet  at             at  the  cinema  gate? A.forty past  one     B.  half  past  two C.two  past  two       D.fifty  to  two Why a? How to express two thirds? Why?  

A means 1:40, B means 2:30, C means 2:02. D means 1:10. Because your title means "there is a movie to be shown at 2 p.m., when shall we meet at the cinema?" obviously, the time of B and C is too late, and D is too early, so choose a
The expression of time in English is as follows
1、 The expression of the whole point:
Before o'clock, you can use numbers or words
Six o'clock
8 o'clock
2、 There are two ways to express non integral points
Hours + minutes
6:30 = six thirty
7:45 = seven forty-five
8: 01 = eight 0 one
be careful:
Time is expressed in the form of "hour + minute". There must be no o'clock after it
Minute + past + hour: it means "a few minutes" and not more than half an hour (including half an hour)
Minute + to + hour: it means "a few minutes to a few minutes" for more than half an hour
Quarter (45 minutes)
A quarter last one fifth
Half past two two thirty
A quarter to four three forty five
Twenty past seven
Twenty to ten nine forty
a. 9 a.m.9:00 a.m.nine a.m
p.m.= in the afternoon
Two thirds: two-thirds
How to express the score:
1、 It is expressed by "cardinal number + ordinal number"
In English, fraction is usually expressed with the help of cardinal and ordinal words, in which cardinal denotes numerator and ordinal denotes denominator
For example:
The centimeter is one tenth of the decimeter or one hundredth of the meter
2. However, the number of boys will be a third or less than the girls in the class
It can be seen from the above examples that besides one, the numerator can also use a; if the numerator is greater than 1, the denominator should use the plural form. However, 1 / 2 cannot say a (one) second, but a (one) half
3. The sum of one half, one third and one fourth of a certain number is 13
1 / 4 and 3 / 4 can be said to be a (one) four and three four, but they are often expressed as a quarter and three quarters. It should be noted that when a fraction modifies a noun, if the noun is uncountable, it can only be singular; if it is countable, it can be singular or plural. However, if they are subjects in a sentence, whether the predicate verb is singular or plural depends on the noun, It is consistent with the noun modified by the score
4. Only one fifth of air consistsof oxygen
About two thirds of the students attended the meeting
Fraction is also a common English numeral expression. The so-called fraction is actually "integer + fraction", which means time division. Only the integral part and fraction part are connected by the conjunction and. When a noun is modified by fraction, it is usually plural, but if the noun is placed after the integer one or a, it is singular, The predicate verb should be plural according to the principle of proximity
6. You should finish the work within one and a fourth hours
The atom breaks up in a minute and a quarter
2、 Expressed by per cent, etc
It can be said that one (a) hundredth, but it is more commonly used as one percent or per cent
Our bodies are 65% water
9. Seven five percent of the earth's sur face is covered by water
85% of the students in English department are girls
3、 Expressed by part
The noun part has "..." When the numerator is greater than 1, part is plural
(1) "Cardinal (or a) + ordinal + part (s)" a hundred part
(2) Five parts in one thousand
(3) One part per million
4、 It is expressed by "cardinal + preposition + cardinal"
The numeral before preposition is numerator, and the numeral after preposition is denominator
If they were asked who first found America, would answer Columbus
The prepositions in this structure are mainly in, out of, of and to
12. The map is drawn to a scale of one of ten thousand