The number of a is 25% less than that of B, and the number of a and B is 82% more than that of a kilogram The number of a is 25% less than that of B, and the number of a and B is 25% less than that of B It is judged that 82% of the number of people with 820 grams per kilogram is 20% of the number of people with a, and the ratio of number B to number a is 1:5 The price of a commodity is reduced by 20% and then raised by 25%. The current price is equal to the original price

The number of a is 25% less than that of B, and the number of a and B is 82% more than that of a kilogram The number of a is 25% less than that of B, and the number of a and B is 25% less than that of B It is judged that 82% of the number of people with 820 grams per kilogram is 20% of the number of people with a, and the ratio of number B to number a is 1:5 The price of a commodity is reduced by 20% and then raised by 25%. The current price is equal to the original price

The number of a is 25% less than that of B, and the number of a and B is 3:4
820g is more than 82% of 1kg (×)
The ratio of number B to number a is 1:5 (√)
The price of a commodity is reduced by 20% and then increased by 25%. The current price is equal to the original price (×)