How many kilowatts per hour

How many kilowatts per hour

1 degree = 1 kWh
reference material:
Kilowatt hour is usually called "degree", which is the unit of electric work. Watt is the unit of power. If the power is multiplied by another time, then the result is work
Symbol: kW. H
The explanation of "kilowatt hour" in Chinese English Dictionary
The unit of work is Joule and kilowatt hour
1 J = 1 W × s
1kwh = 1kW × 1H = 1000W × 1H = 1000W × 3600s = 3600000 joules
1 kwh = 3.6 × 10 ^ 6 joules
For daily use, 1 kwh is 1 degree
Electric power represents the speed of power consumption
The physical meaning of 1 kilowatt hour is the electric energy consumed by an electric appliance with power of 1 kW working for 1 hour
The formula of electric power: P = w / T
Measurement formula of electric power: P = UI
According to Ohm's Law: u = IR
Therefore, the formula of electric power can also be changed into:
P = I * I * r (convenient for series circuit)
P = u * U / R (convenient for parallel circuit)
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