The highest temperature in Urumqi (about 800 meters above sea level) on a certain day in summer is 35 ℃, and the local highest temperature in Aiding Lake (about - 155 meters above sea level) in Turpan Basin is about?

The highest temperature in Urumqi (about 800 meters above sea level) on a certain day in summer is 35 ℃, and the local highest temperature in Aiding Lake (about - 155 meters above sea level) in Turpan Basin is about?

Generally, the altitude increases by 1000 meters and the temperature decreases by 6 degrees Celsius
The altitude difference between Urumqi and Turpan is 800 - (- 155) = 955m, with a difference of 5.73 degrees
The temperature of Aiding Lake is 35 + 5.73 = 40.73