Is the height of Mount Everest 8844.43 meters or 8844.48 meters?

Is the height of Mount Everest 8844.43 meters or 8844.48 meters?

"The world's highest peak, 8848.13 meters high, grows at the rate of 1 cm every year" - this is the standard description of Mount Everest that we learned from primary school. Is this description accurate?
On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Tibet Autonomous Region, the 30th anniversary of the world's women's first ascent to Mt. Everest, and the 30th anniversary of China's accurate measurement of the height of Mt. Everest, the State Bureau of Surveying and mapping, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the people's government of the Tibet Autonomous Region and other units will jointly organize a scientific research team to conduct a large-scale comprehensive scientific investigation in the region of Mt. Everest on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau from March to June this year, Climb Mount Everest again and measure its height accurately
This is also the first large-scale scientific expedition to this area in 30 years after the three large-scale scientific examinations organized by the state in 1959, 1966 and 1975
It is reported that the scientific research will mainly answer some scientific questions about Mount Everest in recent years by analyzing the data of Atmospheric Physics and atmospheric chemical composition, glacier change, biodiversity and ecological environment change
"8848.13m is the height of Mt. Everest measured by the Chinese mountaineering team in 1975," said Chen Junyong, a former chief engineer of the State Bureau of Surveying and mapping and academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. At that time, the Chinese mountaineering team erected a surveying target on the top of Mt. Everest and measured the height of Mt. Everest by triangulation
In this scientific research, the State Bureau of Surveying and mapping will use the latest modern surveying and mapping technology to complete the height re survey of Mt. Everest. At that time, with the cooperation of China's professional surveying and mapping personnel and Tibet Mountaineering Team, the advanced measuring instruments will be brought to the top of Mt. Everest, the highest point of rock on the top of the peak will be found by using acoustic detection technology, the snow depth will be accurately measured, and the measuring target and observation prism will be erected on the top of Mt. Everest, This is another national level elevation survey of Mt. Everest in China, and the results will be released to the world
The battle for the height of Mount Everest (extended reading)
For a long time, many countries in the world have been paying attention to the measurement of Mt. Everest. Especially after 1975, the measurement frequency has greatly accelerated, and the debate about the height of Mt. Everest has never stopped
In 1992, Italian scientist Giorgio pridi led a team to Mount Everest. He set up a target and measured the thickness of snow surface to be 2.55 meters, 1.63 meters more than that in 1975. After calculation, the height of Mount Everest is 8846.50 meters
In May 1999, the "Millennium Everest survey" program was implemented in the United States. Zhang Jiangqi and other Chinese scholars, as partners, provided assistance and reference data at the foot of the north slope. In November, Brandford wosben, the chief planner and implementer of the program, announced at the annual meeting of the national geographic society that the survey result was 8850 meters
In August 2004, Yao Tan Dong, director of the Institute of Qinghai Tibet Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said at an international academic seminar that although the crustal movement made Mount Everest increase at a slight speed, the overall height of Mount Everest was decreasing due to global warming. According to the observation of Chen Junyong, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, the top of Mount Everest decreased by 1.3 meters from 1966 to 1999, and continued to decrease
As early as July 23, 1975, the Xinhua news agency authorized the announcement: Chinese surveying and mapping workers accurately measured the altitude of the world's highest peak, Mount Everest, at 8848.13 meters. In 1975, the Chinese mountaineering team climbed Mount Everest from the north slope for the second time. At the same time, Chinese surveying and mapping workers carried out surveying and mapping work on Mount Everest. On May 27, nine members of the Chinese mountaineering team climbed Mount Everest, The precise data of 8848.13m above sea level is exactly the result of theoretical research, rigorous calculation and repeated verification by Chinese surveying and mapping workers after obtaining complete data of plane position and elevation of Mt. Everest, and deducting the snow depth at the top of Mt. Everest. Its maximum positive and negative error is less than 0.36M. This data has been recognized all over the world, Since then, in authoritative maps and other publications, the height of Everest is 8848 or 8848.13 meters above sea level
It should be said that the height of Mount Qomolangma reflects the process of human understanding of the world's highest peak from one side. Due to different historical periods, different countries and different means of measuring Mount Qomolangma, different results have emerged. According to records, in 1852, the Indian Bureau of surveying measured the height of Mount Qomolangma as 8840 meters by geodetic method; in 1954, Indian geographers measured the height of Mount Qomolangma based on different positions on the south side of Mount Qomolangma, So far, Nepal calls Mount Qomolangma sakyamata, with an altitude of 8848 meters
In 1999, the National Geographic Society of the United States used the then global positioning system to measure. After analyzing the measured data, the University of Colorado in Boulder calculated that the altitude of Mount Everest was 8850 meters
In the 1990s, Chinese scientists believed that Everest is still full of vitality and is rising at an uneven speed every year. Although Everest is still growing high, it is right to say that the elevation of Everest is 8848 meters and 8848.13 meters, but it is not advisable to say that the elevation of Everest is 8850 meters, 8840 meters and other heights. (Xinhua news agency, Beijing, May 28, sports news)