A certain electronic insect falls on a certain point Ko on the number axis and starts to jump from Ko. In the first time, it jumps left by 1 unit length to K to K1. In the second time, it jumps right by K1 by 2 unit length to K2. In the third time, it jumps left by K2 by 3 unit length to K3. In the fourth time, it jumps right by K3 by 4 unit length to K4, When it falls for the 100th time, the number of k100 on the number axis is exactly 2008, so the number of Ko is ()

A certain electronic insect falls on a certain point Ko on the number axis and starts to jump from Ko. In the first time, it jumps left by 1 unit length to K to K1. In the second time, it jumps right by K1 by 2 unit length to K2. In the third time, it jumps left by K2 by 3 unit length to K3. In the fourth time, it jumps right by K3 by 4 unit length to K4, When it falls for the 100th time, the number of k100 on the number axis is exactly 2008, so the number of Ko is ()

The 100th time = 50
2008-50 = 1958, the initial position of the electronic insect Ko is (1958)