Xiao Ming borrowed 500 yuan from his mother? He borrowed 500 yuan from his father. He used 970 yuan to buy shoes, and left 30 yuan. He returned 10 yuan to his mother, 10 yuan to his father, and left 10 yuan for himself. Now he owes 490 yuan to his mother and father respectively. Now 490 + 490 = 980, plus his own 10 yuan, the total is 990 yuan. So where is the ten yuan?

Xiao Ming borrowed 500 yuan from his mother? He borrowed 500 yuan from his father. He used 970 yuan to buy shoes, and left 30 yuan. He returned 10 yuan to his mother, 10 yuan to his father, and left 10 yuan for himself. Now he owes 490 yuan to his mother and father respectively. Now 490 + 490 = 980, plus his own 10 yuan, the total is 990 yuan. So where is the ten yuan?

LZ can think like this: after buying shoes, they give their parents 10 yuan each, which is equivalent to borrowing 490 yuan from their parents at first, which adds up to 980 yuan. When you think of this, you must realize that this is the time when you didn't buy shoes. After borrowing 490 yuan from their parents, which adds up to 980 yuan, you can take 980 yuan to buy shoes, There will be 10 yuan left. This 10 yuan is the 10 yuan in Xiaolan's hand