Division with remainder, quotient is 14, remainder is 6. Given that the sum of divisor and divisor is 126, what are the divisor and divisor respectively There should be a formula

Division with remainder, quotient is 14, remainder is 6. Given that the sum of divisor and divisor is 126, what are the divisor and divisor respectively There should be a formula

Divisor: (126-6) / (14 + 1) = 8
Divisor: 8 × 14 + 6 = 118
Analysis: 126 = divisor + dividend + remainder = 14 × divisor + divisor + remainder
Therefore, if the divisor is regarded as unit 1, the divisor will be 14 unit 1. Therefore, the result obtained by subtracting the remainder from 126 and dividing by 14 + 1 is the number of unit 1, that is, the divisor
The divisor is the sum of 14 units 1 and the remainder