A, B, C three people in a track and field competition, the competition items are: 100 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters long jump five. Known that each of the first, second and third place get five points, B 800 meters race get the first place. After the competition, each person's total score is: a 22 points, B and C each get nine points. Think about it: these three people in the five competitions each get what position? What should be considered?

A, B, C three people in a track and field competition, the competition items are: 100 meters, 400 meters, 800 meters long jump five. Known that each of the first, second and third place get five points, B 800 meters race get the first place. After the competition, each person's total score is: a 22 points, B and C each get nine points. Think about it: these three people in the five competitions each get what position? What should be considered?

You should have made a mistake in this question. This is a primary school question. You should have missed it (2 points in the second place, 1 point in the third place). 1. Because a got 22 points, there are five items in total, which can only be 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 2 points. That is to say, because B won the first place in the 800 meter race, he can only get the second place in the 800 meter race, and all other items are the first place